Mobile App Development

The Ultimate Money Transfer App Blueprint

Significant changes in the financial services industry have taken place and an internet connection is all one needs to perform any time-consuming financial transaction via a mobile app. Today’s online money transfer apps offer customers maximum speed and convenience and give them access to whatever information they like, receive and perform basic operations.

But the challenge here is achieving the main goals of any payment system- creating a robust, efficient, and legally compliant platform that is user friendly.

But, what is the blueprint to build a secure and user-friendly money transfer app? Here we bring to you this simple guide to help you do better with your money transfer app.

1. Strategize around the business model

You need to study your target audience, find their unique needs, and determine the context in which they will use your application. This will help you to refine your selling proposition and pinpoint the right product-market match.

2. Design the App’s Architecture

Design the app’s user experience and define its architecture. Pay attention to the P2P App’S architecture and how it really works.

3. Create the App’s UX/UI

It is important to create an interactive graphical shell for your app so that everyone can see it and understand its functionality. 

4. Money Transfer Portal Development

In the process of integrating all the core features, work on the implementation of a so-called money transfer portal. 

  • Develop e-wallets to make it possible to send and receive funds through multiple channels in many countries
  • Make contactless bill payments
  • International money transfers
  • Currency exchange 

During this process, you must also implement the ability to set limits on sending / withdrawing funds, the number of transactions per day and so on so that your future customers can do everything related to controlling their funds and financial transactions.

5. User Management Modules

Your app system should have different interfaces to perform different roles for a cashier, admin or auditor along with creating balance histories and monitoring the account activities. 

Running marketing activities and setting up promo codes can be added as well as sending emails and messages to engage with the customers.

6. Ensuring Security

As with any banking app, your money transfer app requires the highest security to establish the safety of your customers. Take advantage of identity verification. It is also highly recommended to include counter-terrorism financing compliance in your application.

If you are just starting the development of your app consider compliance with basic but necessary security options, such as:

  • Data encryption
  • Backups and recovery
  • Limited access to certain parts of your system
  • Session time limits

Then what?

When creating a money transfer app, most of them don’t think about it much after releasing a product. But the development of successful products never stops. Behind the scenes, developers, testers, and designers should keep creating new versions. 

So, set your business up for online success. Our team at Techcedence is always ready to bring your best money transfer app ideas to life in no time! Reach out to us now!


Ruby on Rails App Development Trends 2023

Ruby on Rails is becoming a more mature technology, since its initial release, having been updated with some improvements like better performance and increased scalability.

Ruby on Rails will continue to evolve and improve in 2023, with new updates and features that are being released to make web development faster and more efficient

Let’s have a look at some Ruby on Rails trends to watch out for in 2023:

1. Growth in popularity

Ruby on Rails has been a very popular web development framework for many years, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023 as well. Its simple framework is what makes developers of all skill levels love it.

2. Stability

Newer versions of Ruby on Rails work better with published gems and third party integrations, so it is less likely to break at inopportune moments. Additionally, improvements are also made to the core making the framework is more stable overall.

3. Increased performance and scalability

As web applications become more complex and handle more data, Ro is more focused on support for better performance and scalability lately.

4. Flexibility

The tech world is full of companies where Ruby on Rails shines. Ruby on Rails is flexible and can be used in developing applications for many different types of companies

5. Better speed

Ruby on Rails is now 3x faster than older versions, as well as the memory usage issues are solved. With each new version efficiencies are discovered and are created helping the framework run faster in given circumstances. Any speed increase is a benefit to the end users.

6. Security

Newer versions of Ruby on Rails have all the known security issues patched and benefit from full support for any new vulnerability discovered. Ruby on Rails supports security features to combat the increase in cyber-attacks, as the importance of secure web applications cannot be overemphasized. 

7. Integration with other technologies

Ruby on Rails is getting more integration with other technologies like cloud services, AI and blockchain, enabling developers to create more advanced and sophisticated web applications.

8. Optimized and responsive

The current Ruby on Rails versions are more performant, better optimized and responsive.

Even though Ruby on Rails isn’t a new framework, it remains popular among developers and a software organization because of its dependable and strong technology. Ruby and Rails has an exciting year ahead with these new features, improved performance and reliability. Developers can easily stay up-to-date with these trends in Ruby on Rails and if you are a business owner, Ruby on Rails is constantly evolving and improving to help your business app. If you are a startup business, then you can climb onto firm ground quickly, and since timing for startups is a key success factor, Ruby on Rails is an ideal technology. And you can look forward to taking advantage of these technology trends in the future.

Are you looking tо buіld a арр fоr уоur buѕіnеѕѕ? Techcedence’s experts are ready to help you build an app with Ruby on Rails. Get in touch with us now!

Mobile App Development

Future of iOS App Development: 2023 Trends & Predictions

In the world of mobile app development, iOS remains one of the most popular platforms. With the release of iOS 15, Apple has added new features and capabilities that will shape the future of iOS app development. In this blog, we will explore some of the trends and predictions for iOS app development in 2023.

1. The Rise of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Apps

Augmented reality and virtual reality technologies have been gaining momentum over the past few years, and this trend is expected to continue. Apple has been heavily investing in AR and VR technologies, and with the release of ARKit and RealityKit, developers can create immersive AR and VR experiences within their iOS apps. In 2023, we can expect to see more iOS apps that integrate AR and VR to create engaging user experiences.

2. Increased Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML are becoming increasingly important in the development of mobile apps, and this trend is expected to continue. Apple has integrated Core ML, a machine learning framework, into iOS, allowing developers to build intelligent apps that can learn and improve over time. In 2023, we can expect to see more iOS apps that leverage AI and ML to provide personalized user experiences.

3. More Emphasis on App Security and Privacy

With the increasing number of security breaches and privacy violations, app developers are becoming more conscious about the security and privacy of their apps. In 2023, we can expect to see more iOS apps that prioritize security and privacy, including features such as two-factor authentication, encryption, and data protection.

4. Expansion of Wearable Technology

Apple’s wearable technology, such as the Apple Watch, has become increasingly popular over the years. In 2023, we can expect to see more iOS apps that integrate with wearable technology, allowing users to access app features directly from their wrist. This will provide users with more convenience and flexibility in how they interact with their favourite iOS apps.

5. Increased Adoption of Swift Programming Language

Swift has become the preferred programming language for iOS app development. With its ease of use and powerful features, swift app development has helped developers to build high-quality apps quickly and efficiently. In 2023, we can expect to see more iphone application development company’s adapt to and iOS apps developed using Swift, as developers continue to appreciate its simplicity and effectiveness.


In conclusion, the future of iOS app development is exciting, with new technologies and trends shaping the landscape. AR and VR, AI and ML, app security and privacy, wearable technology, and the continued adoption of Swift programming language are all trends that will shape iOS app development and its related trends and predictions for 2023. As a mobile app development company, we at Techcedence moving forward, can expect to see even more innovative and engaging iOS apps that provide users with personalized and immersive experiences. For more details, go to – 

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Unlocking the Secret to Building a Stellar Android App: A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring Dedicated Android Developers

As the world becomes more connected, mobile applications have become essential tools for businesses to reach their customers. With more than 3 billion active Android devices worldwide, Android application development has become a crucial aspect of businesses’ digital strategies. However, developing an Android application requires specialized skills that not every company possesses. Therefore, hiring dedicated Android developers for your next project is a wise choice.

Hiring dedicated Android developers can be challenging, especially if you are new to the field of mobile application development. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to hire dedicated Android developers for your next project.

Hire dedicated android developers

1. Identify your project requirements

Before starting your search for an Android developer, you need to have a clear understanding of your project requirements. This includes the features, functionality, and user interface of your app. Once you have identified your project requirements, you can start searching for a developer who has the required skills and experience.

2. Look for experience and skills

When hiring an Android developer, it is essential to look for experience and skills. Look for developers who have worked on similar projects before and have a track record of delivering high-quality applications. Check for their skills in Android Studio, Java, Kotlin, and other essential technologies for Android app development. Also, look for developers who are familiar with the latest trends in Android application development and can implement them in your app.

3. Check for portfolio and references

Checking a developer’s portfolio and references is a crucial step in the hiring process. A portfolio showcases a developer’s skills and experience in developing Android applications. It provides you with a glimpse of their work and helps you understand their style and approach to app development. References, on the other hand, give you an idea of how the developer works with clients and their level of professionalism.

4. Consider their communication skills

Effective communication is critical when working with developers. You want someone who can communicate effectively with you and your team throughout the project. Check for their communication skills during the hiring process, and make sure they are responsive and available to answer any questions you may have.

5. Look for team players

When hiring an Android developer, it is crucial to look for someone who can work well with your team. Developers who are team players can collaborate effectively with other members of your team and contribute to the project’s success. Look for developers who are open to feedback, can communicate their ideas clearly, and are willing to work with your team to achieve your project’s goals.

6. Consider the cost

The cost of hiring an Android developer can vary depending on their experience and location. When considering the cost, make sure to weigh it against the developer’s experience, skills, and the scope of your project. A low cost may seem appealing, but it may not necessarily result in a high-quality application.

7. Conduct a technical interview

A technical interview is a crucial step in the hiring process. It helps you evaluate the developer’s technical skills and knowledge. During the interview, ask them questions related to Android application development, such as their experience with Android Studio, their knowledge of Kotlin or Java, and their experience with app architecture patterns like MVP, MVVM, or Clean architecture.

8. Provide a test project

Before hiring a developer, you can provide a small test project to evaluate their skills and approach to application development. A test project allows you to see how the developer works, their level of professionalism, and their ability to meet deadlines.


In conclusion, hiring dedicated Android developers for your next project requires careful consideration. By following the steps outlined above, you can identify the right developer for your project and ensure its success. Remember to focus on experience, skills, communication, teamwork, cost, and technical knowledge during the hiring process. With the right developer on board, you can create a high-quality Android application that meets the needs

Mobile App Development

Why is Flutter Gaining Popularity?

It has Google’s support and offers multiple benefits, including high performance, lesser coding, and access to an extensive community. It is one of the top four mobile app development frameworks, and its apps have 10-12 billion downloads! 

Yes, readers, we’re talking about Flutter, a cross-platform application development framework! Flutter was introduced by none other than Google. It created a buzz among developers ever since it saw the light of launch in 2018. But what makes Flutter so popular? Let’s find it out in this blog that highlights six reasons.

7 Reasons Flutter is Popular for Cross-Platform Application Development

Here are seven vital reasons that constitute Flutter’s popularity.

cross platform app development

1. Dart Programming

Flutter uses the Dart programming language compiled into native code, thus referring to a crucial performance benefit. With Flutter, developers can build applications in about two to three weeks with a single project. Thus, Flutter saves a lot of development time. Additionally, Flutter’s silver layout model helps scroll other tasks quickly. 

2. Cross-Platform App Development

Another of the most significant reasons why Flutter quickly proliferated across the technology space is its capability to develop cross-platform applications. While ensuring quality, Flutter offers near-native experiences. Thus, developers don’t have to develop separate applications for different platforms. Besides, it offers various widgets that make Flutter an apt alternative for developing cross-platform applications. 

3. Open-Source Community

In only four years of its launch, Flutter has developed an extensive open-source community of developers. So, as a company, no worries, even if you are new to Flutter. You can seek help from Flutter developers worldwide or hire a Flutter app development company. The latter is always beneficial, as you will get prompt and accurate technical responses relevant to your context.

4. Easy to Use

Another reason many developers and companies prefer using Flutter is that it is easy to use. The programming language has widgets that enable developers to see the code in a readable format. They are intuitive as they allow developers to see the code immediately, thus saving time on UI factors. That also makes Flutter easy to maintain. 

Besides, since Flutter enables cross-platform development, you can have a single application and operate across the iOS and Android platforms. That refers to tapping into the traffic and prospects from both these platforms at a single development cost! 

5. Single Codebase

That’s pretty much the next point. Since Flutter supports iOS and Android, developers can use a single codebase to create mobile applications on both platforms. Flutter also allows developers to create customized widgets and designs that help uniformize the application’s appearance across multiple platforms. So, with Flutter, you will deliver a consistent user experience, no matter the platform your user uses. 

6. MVP and Startup-Friendly

As a startup, you would want to test your idea via an MVP or a prototype to know whether it will work or not. However, developing an MVP often takes time, thus fizzling out the steam of your idea. But Flutter can help you do it relatively quickly, allowing you to develop an MVP with fewer complications and minimum cost.

7. Fewer Tests

While using native components, you will have to run the same test for all the platforms. But with Flutter’s single codebase, the number of tests you perform reduces by about 50 percent, thus saving time, effort, and costs involved in conducting tests multiple times.

Flutter’s exponential growth and popularity, along with its benefits, make it a preferred cross-platform application development. You’ve already seen that. So, if you also are looking to develop Flutter applications, you have Techcedence at your service.

We are a leading Flutter mobile app development company. Our unmatched expertise and experience in developing robust, scalable, and custom cross-platform applications make us a Flutter app development company you can bank upon. Write to us at to connect with our Flutter consultants and experts.

Mobile App Development

Native App Development vs Hybrid App Development: What to pick in 2023?

Are you about to develop an application but stuck between the choice of native app and hybrid app development? At the outset, it can help you know the difference between these app development approaches. So, let’s look at the differences between native application development vs hybrid application development.

What are Native Applications?

Native applications are smartphone apps. Examples include Kotlin and Java for Android and Swift for iOS. Some advantages of native applications include the following.

  • Easy to download from an app store and install on the device
  • You can access these apps via the icon on your mobile phone screen
  • These apps can work offline via your device’s notification system
  • They can take advantage of your mobile’s GPS, contacts list, camera, etc.

But on the other hand, native apps also come with a few disadvantages. For instance, these apps are developed for a single platform. Hence, they cannot run on another one. In addition, it takes a significant budget to build and maintain these applications.

What are Hybrid Applications?

Hybrid apps combine native and web apps. They run offline on the device and are written with CSS and HTML5. These apps help render the current content on the website in an app format. You can access them from a web browser and download them from an app store. Some advantages of hybrid applications include the following.

  • These apps have a single codebase. Hence, they can work on multiple platforms.
  • It is relatively straightforward to develop and maintain hybrid apps
  • The development cost also is lesser than native apps

Their disadvantages include the need for a seamless internet connection and a speed slower than native applications. Let’s now look at some aspects of native app development and hybrid application development to identify the right choice.

Native App Development vs Hybrid App Development – Differences

Native App Development vs Hybrid App Development

Native App Development vs Hybrid App Development – What to Choose?

So, between native app development and hybrid app development, which approach wins? You cannot declare one the winner and consider the other the loser. Choosing one among both depends on various factors. The most crucial one is the cost!

If your budget is limited, you should go for hybrid app development. But if you have the wherewithal and want to deliver an incredible user experience with a separate app for various platforms, you can leverage the advantages of native app development. Besides, native apps are more technically enriched and quicker. So, if user experience matters to you more than anything else, you should prefer native app development.

Choose the Right App Development Approach with Techcedence – Leading Mobile App Development

If you still need clarification and want a specific answer for your context, connect with Techcedence. While our expert consultants can help you choose the right approach, our developers can develop the most efficient native and hybrid apps for your business. Our tested and proven capabilities and a solid mobile app development portfolio can help you reap optimal RoI for your mobile app development investments.

We are here to help you develop incredible native and hybrid applications customized to your business. Please write to us at to know more.

Mobile App Development

Top 5 Trends for Reducing Mobile App Development Costs

Money saved is money earned! Of course, every entrepreneur knows that. But every digital element added to your ecosystem contributes to a significant increase in the operational costs of your business. Mobile apps that are part of a company’s digital infrastructure are a necessity these days. However, many business owners confront high development costs contributing to the overall operational budget.

Per reports, the development aspect of a mobile application alone constitutes around 30-35 percent of the total development budget. Let alone maintenance, annual legacy costs, and several hidden costs that further add once the app is operational. 

But that surely doesn’t mean you live with high mobile app development costs and hamper profitability. As a mobile app development company, we’ve identified five trends that can help you reduce your mobile app development costs considerably.

1. Cross-Platform Development

It is a no-brainer that developing a separate application for Android, iOS, and Windows will cost you more. But developing an application for each of these platforms is essential to tap users across every operating system. 

An effective way of making your app compatible with all these operating systems while ensuring cost savings is cross-platform development. Cross-platform development works with highly reusable code. You can use the app’s business logic several times by writing it only once and using it on various platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows. 

Besides, by choosing a team with cross-platform capabilities, you can save time, effort, and money otherwise incurred in resources with single-platform skills.

2. Agile Methodology

Agile has quickly gained popularity and has become an integral part of mobile app development. Agile project management offers benefits like budget control and rapid development and enables you to divide your project into various parts. 

You can further classify those parts as tasks, sub-tasks, and modules, thus making app development more straightforward and effective to handle. Not to forget, the agile development approach also results in lesser rework, which helps control project costs and enhance product quality, potentially leading to a higher RoI.

3. MVP Approach

MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is another useful strategy that helps companies determine their mobile application’s market potential and response. Developing an MVP incurs some costs for sure. But considering the valuable real-time user response and feedback an MVP provides, it is worth investing in developing one. 

Developing an MVP enables you, as the mobile app’s owner, to develop precisely what your target audience requires. Thus, you don’t spend time and money trying and erring. Besides, it helps you make an informed entry into the market and increase RoI.

4. Continuous Testing

Testing after completing the development part is a conventional approach. Some errors and mistakes could be significant enough to require a complete redesign or rework. The result increased development costs and time lost in reinventing the wheel. Thanks to new approaches that allow continuous testing.

Continuous testing allows you to fix bugs as the application shapes. It helps avoid humongous rework and the costs that follow it. That surely helps save a significant amount of money, time, and effort.

5. Outsourcing Mobile App Development

This can be the most cost-effective strategy, provided you choose a trustworthy and experienced mobile app development company. Outsourcing helps you save costs associated with various aspects like hiring resources, nurturing full-time resources, and paying their salaries and employee administration costs, infrastructural costs, etc. 

Outsourcing allows you to focus on your core business and saves time otherwise spent in micromanaging the various phases of mobile app development.

Build Seamless, Competent, and Cost-Effective Mobile Apps with Techcedence!

Outsource mobile app development to Techcedence! We are an experienced and reliable mobile app development company with a global and diverse mobile app development portfolio. We employ the best and the most cost-effective mobile app development practices to help our clients control the development costs, however, without compromising the mobile app’s quality and launch commitment.

Please contact us at and discuss your mobile app development needs with our experts. We’d be glad to be your mobile app development partner.

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7 Countries Preferred for Outsourcing Mobile App Development Projects

Mobile app development has become imperative for every business, whether B2C or B2C. But considering the costs and efforts involved, companies from most countries, mainly the developed ones, prefer outsourcing the project. Talent availability is another factor that drives this decision.

India is the first choice that comes to everyone’s mind. But is that the only option? No, India still outranks every other country in this space. But it has peers too! So, along with India, let’s look at six more countries that could form a potential choice for mobile app development outsourcing.

Note: The list below is random and isn’t based on rankings. Figures like salary ranges, number of English speakers, developers, etc. are approximate and shouldn’t be considered a benchmark for negotiation or any kind of decision-making.

1. India

India is a default choice in outsourcing. Of course, India’s prime position is supported by many reasons. Some of them include the massive number of English speakers, STEM graduates (which is in millions yearly!), unmatched math expertise, and thousands of startups, SMEs, and global IT enterprises.

Outsourcing Mobile App Development - India

But there are commercial reasons as well. The average hourly salary of an Indian mobile app developer is about USD 8-10. Besides, the operational cost in India is considerably lower. Not to forget the number of extra hours Indians can pump in as required to fulfill the project’s needs!

2. China

China, in India’s north-eastern neighborhood, is another massive player in the outsourcing realm. It is home to many fastest-growing IT companies and produces nearly five million tech graduates yearly. 

outsourcing software development - China

Of course, China has a few disadvantages as well. One of them is the fewer English speakers compared to its enormous population. In addition, the country has lax enforcement of IP laws. Speaking of the average hourly remuneration, China is almost USD 22-30.

3. The Philippines

Per reports, Manila is ranked as the second-best city outsourcing in the world. But is that the only reason you must outsource mobile app development to the country? No. With over 90 percent of the country’s population speaking English, the Philippines is one of the largest English-speaking populations in the world. The average hourly compensation of a mobile app developer in the Philippines is approximately USD 8-12.

outsourcing software development - Philippines

The country also has a specialized STEM high school and has taken many visionary steps to enhance the country’s prominence on the global outsourcing map. But the Philippines is still developing in terms of mobile app development. So, considering the existing skill gap, you may consider the Philippines outsourcing simpler projects. For the more complex ones, you may choose India.

4. Ukraine

outsourcing mobile app development - Ukraine

Ukraine is currently undergoing turmoil due to the ongoing war. But the country has its significant merits to advocate. It is home to the largest number of C++ programmers globally. English isn’t as widely spoken in Ukraine. But fortunately, more than 75 percent of its IT workforce can conversate in English. The average per-hour salary of a mobile app developer in Ukraine is about USD 10-12. 

5. Brazil

Brazil shouldn’t come as a surprise, as the company is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and has some impressive statistics to tell. Some include the number of English speakers in the country (roughly over 6 million). 

outsourcing software development - Brazil

In addition, the country has a workforce relatively younger than its counterparts. Of course, Brazil is developing, and you may find many junior developers here. So, you may consider outsourcing lesser complex projects. But for advanced and demanding ones, travel east to the more developed IT ecosystems.

The average hourly salary of a mobile app developer in Brazil is somewhere around 12-15 USD.

6. Canada

Canada has emerged as a solid contender in the mobile app outsourcing business. The country could be a reliable outsourcing partner for its neighbor, the US, considering cultural similarities, similar time zones, and the number of compatible and competent English speakers. 

outsourcing software development - Canada

However, while these competencies could impress one, the average hourly rate of a mobile app developer, about 45-50 USD, could be concerning. It is almost the same as the US, which might not have any pecuniary benefit while outsourcing mobile app development to Canada.

7. Poland

Poland is another mobile app outsourcing destination on our list. It has many skilled programmers who can deliver outstanding mobile applications. In addition, about 25-30 percent of the Polish population speaks English. So, this is another advantage for western countries. 

outsourcing mobile app development - Poland

Not exactly a challenge, but Poland’s time zone could require companies in the US to make some time adjustments while arranging calls. The average hourly salary of a mobile app developer in Poland is USD 15-20.

Mobile app development is a highly specialized area. So, if it isn’t your core business, outsource it to experts like Techcedence and focus on your responsibilities. Our highly qualified and experienced mobile app developers build inspiring and exemplary mobile applications that help you redefine success.

We excel in every area, from talent to technology. Thus, save costs, leverage the best of resources, and get an incredible mobile application tailored to your business needs and objectives. Write to us at, and let’s look to build a fruitful and long-term business relationship.

Mobile App Development

Cross Platform Mobile Application Development

Mobile apps are considered mandatory for businesses like banking, car rental and eCommerce. Android and iOS are the most widely used mobile platforms. For better reach, a mobile application should run on both Android and iOS mobile devices.

Developing a mobile application can be done in two ways. Either develop an app individually for each platform – iOS and Android. Alternatively, develop a common app that can run on different platforms.

Cross-platform development refers to the creation of a mobile application that can run on multiple mobile operating systems. Cross-platform apps are developed using common technologies like HTML, Javascript, .NET and CSS.  The advantage of having a cross-platform app is it is easier to develop a single code base common to multiple platforms, quicker development time and it is cost-effective. Because of these advantages, the cross-platform framework is a preferred choice among small and large enterprises.

Cross-platform apps can be deployed on Google and Apple play store.

Cross-Platform Mobile Framework

To build a cross-platform mobile app requires a mobile app development framework. Though there are many options available, some of the popular frameworks include:


It is an open-source framework to develop cross-platform applications for web, iOS, and Android using a single code base. Ionic is built on Angular JS technologies and allows the developer to use HTML5, CSS and Javascript. It takes less time, resources and effort to develop cross-platform applications using IonicJS. Another advantage of using Ionic JS is that it uses plugins allowing developers to create feature-rich mobile applications.  Ionic framework is the choice of developers aiming to create cross-platform applications without compromising quality.


  • Open source and Free
  • Less development time and effort
  • Built on Angular JS
  • Integrates seamlessly with native functionality


  • Less secure
  • Not suitable to build complex apps

React Native 

React Native created by Facebook uses javascript framework. Coding is easier as a single javascript code can be used for both iOS and Android platforms. This reduces development time and effort. The framework also supports reusing inbuilt components. Apps developed using React Native can easily integrate with existing mobile applications like GPS.


  • The open-source platform allows the integration of plugins.
  • Allows code reusability between platforms
  • Performance as good as a native app


  • Javascript does not support decimals. So this framework will not be suitable to develop an app that requires mathematical computations.


Flutter is a mobile app SDK by Google to develop applications for Android and iOS. This open-source platform recently launched in 2018 allows building highly interactive interfaces. A single codebase can be used for both iOS and Android development. This dart based framework comes with a library of widgets and tools. It supports Hot Reload which means any changes to the code can be seen immediately on the app.


  • Free and open source
  • App development with Flutter takes very less time
  • The widgets can be used to develop a visually attractive interface


  • Though Google provides libraries, some of the functions have to be built which is time-consuming.


Xamarin is based on the .NET framework and provided by Microsoft. It uses C# to create mobile apps. The code can be reused between iOS and Android applications. Xamarin can be used to develop user-friendly apps within less time. Updates and maintenance are made easier in Xamarin by updating the source file which is reflected on iOS and Android apps.


  • The same level of performance as in the native app.


  • It comes with license cost.
  • Xamarin based apps can occupy more space and takes more download time


PhoneGap by Adobe is another popular cross-platform development tool. It is an open-source framework that allows developers to create mobile applications using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. It allows creating app for different platforms using a single code base.


  • It gives access to device hardware such as camera, geolocation and accelerometer
  • Easy to develop as web developers need not have extra skills.


  • The performance of the application can be a little less when compared to native app.
  • It does not have enough UI widgets resulting in more development time.

A framework is an important tool for building a mobile application. Each framework has its own advantages. Depending on the requirement you can select the appropriate framework for developing the application.

If your business has end-users from both iOS and Android devices, it would be ideal to opt for hybrid apps. Techcedence has expertise in developing native and hybrid mobile applications and our experts can assist you in deciding on the best app development for your business.

Mobile App Development

Mobile App for Business Continuity

Businesses worldwide have taken a hit due to the global pandemic. This article talks about the impact of the COVID 19 crisis on small brick and mortar retail businesses and how technology can help to combat the challenges. Small and medium retail businesses like clothing, book or department stores have run out of business and are facing an extinction-level situation. The future looks bleak for traditional offline stores as a crowded shopping experience is unlikely for some time. Post the pandemic, many shoppers will still be reluctant to visit stores to avoid the crowd.

To ensure business continuity the world has adopted mobile technology. Mobile apps have helped to keep the situation normal and have changed the routine drastically. Earlier, people visited offices to pay the electricity bill or book tickets or to buy things. During this lockdown, there is a huge spike in mobile app downloads. Statistics show that App Store and Google Play have 33 billion app downloads in Q1, 2020. Due to the pandemic, mobile app download, usage and consumer spending hit a record high in 2020. The downloads include gaming app, social media app, health and fitness app, banking app, medical, eLearning app, video conferencing app like zoom, Google meet, Microsoft Team, etc.

As the mobile app industry is thriving and consumers are spending more time on their smartphones, consider having a mobile app for your business or service. Allow your customers to order online through the app and pick up in-store. Customer preferences, shopping history gets stored on the app allowing personalized shopping experience. This blend of online and offline models will be convenient and super-fast. A mobile app will be beneficial for any business, it can be a grocery store, medical clinic, pet clinic or a fitness centre. Leverage technology to provide a personalized experience for your customers through virtual sessions, virtual tours, virtual showroom, chat sessions with experts, etc.

The pandemic has created an unprecedented impact on the global economy. Businesses should not hesitate to try new approaches, new commercial models and new technologies to engage their customers and meet the demand. This switch over to technology is a difficult situation for retailers but some of them have already started implementing and thriving back in business.

Find a mobile app development company that helps you reinforce your business with the right technologies. Techcedence has been delivering excellent mobility services for various domains. Contact us with your requirements to transform your business into the digital world.