Software Testing Technology Web App Development

How to Select the Right Web Application Testing Service Provider 

From e-commerce platforms to social networks, the digital landscape is full of web applications that connect us in unprecedented ways. This connectivity, however, comes with a catch which is the vulnerability of web applications to all kinds of cyber threats. In this blog, we’ll have a look into the world of web application testing service provider, how to explore their significance, how to choose the right one, and the factors to consider during such decision-making process. 

Understanding Web Testing Services: 

Web application testing process involves a series of systematic checks and evaluations in order to identify issues and ensure that a website or web app functions as intended. There are different types of web testing, such as:  

  • functional testing 
  • performance testing 
  • security testing 
  • compatibility testing 
  • usability testing 

These address various aspects of a digital platform’s functionality, and these tests collectively guarantee a seamless user experience as well as protect against any potential vulnerabilities. 
One of the primary responsibilities of the software testing companies is to ensure quality assurance and bug detection in the software that is being developed. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Web Testing Service Provider: 

Outsourcing web application testing services brings many benefits: 

  • It allows organizations to utilize the expertise of professionals specialized in various testing methodologies.
  • Use cutting-edge tools 
  • Maintain objectivity in identifying and resolving issues.

Selecting the right web application testing services provider requires a proper evaluation of several key factors such as:

1. Expertise and Experience:

Look for a provider with a proven track record when it comes to web testing and who has a deep understanding of your industry. Their experience with similar projects to yours can contribute to efficient testing as well as issue identification. 

2. Testing Methodologies and Tools: 

Ensure the provider is well-versed in modern testing methodologies, such as Agile, which can enable iterative and collaborative testing. They should also have the right expertise in using automation tools to streamline their testing process. 

3. Customization and Flexibility: 

Each and every digital platform is unique, and the testing strategy should reflect that. A reputable provider will offer a tailored testing solution that caters to your specific needs and challenges. Also, the provider should be able to accommodate the growth of your digital assets in the long run. 

4. Reputation and Reviews: 

Research the web app testing service provider’s reputation by checking their client testimonials, case studies, and online reviews. Positive feedback from their satisfied clients indicates a reliable and effective service. 

Steps to Evaluate Potential Web Testing Service Providers for Your Business: 

To choose the right web testing service provider, follow the steps mentioned below: 

1. Define Your Testing Requirements: 

Outline the types of testing you require clearly, including functional, performance, security, and others if any. 

2. Research Potential Providers: 

Compile a list of potential web app testing providers based on recommendations and online searches. 

3. Request Case Studies and Sample Reports: 

Ask for their case studies and sample reports that showcase their previous work in order to gauge their expertise and thoroughness. 

4. Conduct Interviews or Consultations: 

Engage with potential providers to gain insights into their approach and capabilities.

5. Assess Pricing and Cost Structure: 

Consider your budget and compare the costs of different providers, keeping value and quality over the cheapest option as your priority. 

Selecting the right web application testing service and web application testing tools is a decision that will impact the security, performance, and overall quality of your web applications and the web app testing process. By carefully considering your needs, focusing on key testing capabilities, and assessing factors like scalability, integration, and reputation, you can make an informed choice on the perfect Web Application Testing Service Provider for you who can contribute to the success of your digital assets. Choose wisely to empower your organizations with a testing service that will align with the dynamic challenges of your digital landscape. 

Product Technology Uncategorized

The Importance of Cybersecurity in Asset Tracking Software

What is Cybersecurity in Asset Management? 

Cybersecurity asset management is the process of identifying the IT assets that your organization owns and the potential security risks that affect each one on a real-time basis. 

Assets can take many forms. They could be traditional devices, such as PCs and servers or they could be specialized IoT, IoMT, IIoT, or OT devices or even software-defined resources, like a cloud-based database or company-owned domains. 

Any device, resource or service that exists within the IT estate could be prone to risks and vulnerabilities that lead to a breach of the individual resource or network or if the attackers use one such compromised resource to launch a broader attack. 

Importance of Cybersecurity in Asset Management: 

Cybersecurity in asset management empowers the security team, as well as the business, with the visibility it needs to build comprehensive security strategies that mitigate threats quickly and proactively. This kind of an approach delivers many key benefits: 

  • Cybersecurity is not a distraction: With strong cybersecurity in asset management in place, businesses can deploy new IT services without letting security become a distraction or even a hindrance. They can make decisions based on business priorities, with the confidence that whichever changes they make, will be caught by their cybersecurity in asset management process for potential vulnerabilities. 
  • Proactive response: Cybersecurity in asset management helps the security teams detect any potential threats even before they become a very serious problem. By continuously and effectively keeping track of new deployments as well as risks, teams don’t have to wait till they detect any active attack to respond to it. 
  • Security visibility: If an attack does occur, cybersecurity in asset management will provide the security team with an inventory of assets and risks that can be used to gain context on what went wrong and when it went wrong. Instead of having to redo the whole deployments and configurations to track the origins of a breach or vulnerability, the teams will have an up-to-date record that they can easily refer to almost immediately. 

In the above-mentioned ways, cybersecurity in asset management puts businesses in a much stronger position to identify and react to any possible security risks. Although cybersecurity in asset management is only a component of an effective cybersecurity strategy, it’s not possible to maintain a proactive security operation without cybersecurity in asset management in place in most cases. 

Risks Associated with Poor Cybersecurity in Asset Management 

Lack of cybersecurity in asset management software solution or asset tracking software, or poor implementation of the same, does not just make security operations more challenging but also creates many critical risks for the business. 

The major one among these is a higher risk of business disruptions. If any essential data or systems are made unavailable by any breach, the business may not be able to operate well. Such disruptions will harm the business’s reputation and have serious financial consequences. 

Poor asset management in cyber security also makes it extremely difficult to maintain a continuous and accurate inventory of the IT resources that are available. Without knowing what exists in the IT business, you will be left guessing about where the most serious risks lie. Lack of such things is what makes it difficult to deploy security resources efficiently and to respond to such issues when and if they arise. 

Also, ineffective cybersecurity in asset management undercuts the security team’s ability to operate efficiently. This makes it difficult to automate the security operations when there is a lack of an accurate listing of which resources or risks exist and instead, left to find and secure devices manually, which makes it a poor use of time and money. 

Why Prioritize Cybersecurity in Asset Management? 

Organizations have been placing little priority on asset management in cybersecurity simply because the tools necessary to automate cybersecurity in asset management processes didn’t exist till a few years back. It also wasn’t practical to maintain real-time and continuous inventories manually as well. 

With the rise of automated resource discovery and threat identification tools, cybersecurity in asset management plays a large role in security operations across a variety of verticals in today’s times. It’s critical not just for software and IT businesses, but for all organizations that rely on software and hardware to power its operations. 

In manufacturing, asset management helps ensure high-value equipment, such as diagnostics and monitoring systems, and machine sensors, remain secure and free of threats that could disrupt the operations. 

Cybersecurity asset management also protects healthcare organizations, which face high rates of ransomware attacks and vulnerabilities that may exist within specialized devices deployed as part of the Internet of Medical Things. 

Any enterprise that deploys connected devices to help manage and monitor physical infrastructure, collect business data and extend networks into spaces needs asset management to keep those devices and the business secure and free of threats. 


Revolutionize Your Operations: Salesforce Consulting For Small Businesses

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, technology has become a vital component for the growth and success of any organization. But this reality carries more weight when it comes to small businesses. Small businesses are increasingly turning to technological solutions such as Salesforce in order to stay ahead, connect better with customers, get actionable insights, streamline operations, and achieve long-term goals. 

While Salesforce for small business can certainly deliver on these promises when properly managed, small businesses often struggle to navigate the complexities of the platform without an expert guidance. 

There are two major ways to get that extra guidance and support with the Salesforce platform:  

  • Hiring an in-house administrator 
  • Opting for a Salesforce agency 

By hiring an in-house resource, businesses can benefit from dedicated, ongoing support and a full-time employee can also be better suited to handle confidential information or even sensitive customer data. 

But while investing in full-time resources might seem like an obvious choice for small businesses it may not be the most advisable one. The complexities of such an investment depends on various factors, such as the budget constraints, required level of expertise, and the specific needs and goals that are specific to the organization. 

Hiring and training an in-house Salesforce resource can be a significant financial burden on small businesses. As the hiring process alone can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if the business has to advertise the position, conduct interviews, and provide extensive onboarding and so on. The company must also continue to pay their salary and benefits, as well as training, to keep them up-to-date with any updates and best practices. 

To make matters complicated, employing an in-house Salesforce resource can prove insufficient altogether for businesses with complex needs or requirements, as these types of projects often require the level of technical expertise, and proficiency that administrators usually do not possess. 

Advantages of choosing a Salesforce consulting partner for your small business 

Salesforce consulting services is the wisest and cost-effective solution for the ever-changing, ever-evolving needs of a small business. 

Take a look at the following points to better understand why small businesses require Salesforce consulting services more than ever: 

1. Diverse expertise 

A reputable Salesforce agency can provide the clients with a wide array of knowledge and skills, including access to experienced and certified Salesforce developers who can create custom solutions and handle complex requirements. They can provide access to experts across various areas, including application development, business process automation, as well as multiple product specialties. This collective expertise of a diverse team can help you benefit from a more holistic and comprehensive approach than an in-house resource could ever offer. 

2. Cost-effectiveness 

Good Salesforce consulting firms can help small businesses achieve a good return on their investment in the Salesforce cloud. Leveraging this expertise and breadth of knowledge, can aid your business in optimizing processes, reducing salesforce cost for small business, driving business revenue growth, as well as customizing systems to meet your specific requirements. 

3. Capitalize on the benefits the platform offers 

A reputable Salesforce professional services firm’s flexibility is especially beneficial for small businesses with unpredictable demands. The consultants can scale their Salesforce support services up and down depending on their client’s current needs. Keep in mind that no two Salesforce consulting firms operate in the same manner and it’s important to find a Salesforce- partner that can provide services that fit your organization’s budget and needs. 

4. Proven track record 

A trustworthy Salesforce consulting services firm should have a proven track record of success that comes from years of experience by working with a wide range of businesses across different industries. Especially, in very complex technical environments. This ability to adapt to diverse business processes, needs as well as challenges and providing tailored Salesforce solutions will ultimately lead to a positive and satisfactory customer experience. 

A good Salesforce consulting firm should have experience in multiple Salesforce products, a history of excellent project management, and the ability to deliver what the client expected in accordance with the timeline and a consistent level of customer satisfaction across different projects. 

5. Access to the latest technology 

The key to staying ahead of the competition is keeping up with the latest Salesforce technologies and updates. Your chosen salesforce firm should continuously invest in training and development to ensure that their team is knowledgeable in the latest features and functionalities, across multiple Salesforce clouds. Small businesses benefit from this type of expertise as their team will be kept up-to-date with new releases and updates for the Salesforce products and third-party software as well. By working with a reputable Salesforce consulting firm, small businesses can take advantage of the vast pool of knowledge and experience that the partner has to offer in the digital technology space. 

Due to the many challenges small business are facing in today’s economy, many are steadily turning to their Salesforce investments in order to stay ahead. While most small businesses understand that they will need help to maximize their Salesforce solution, what they’re often unsure about is how to proceed and with whom they should proceed with. 

Partnering with a good Salesforce consulting firm can provide small businesses with a wide range of benefits and can have access to the latest technologies to help the business adapt to the market by providing the much-needed guidance on how to best leverage this platform to stay competitive. 

It is of utmost importance to take the time to interview potential partners and ask the right questions in order to help you identify a Salesforce-certified partner who can deliver a positive customer experience and also meet your businesses specific needs. Partnering with a team of expert Salesforce consultants can help small businesses improve a return on their Salesforce investment and stay ahead of their competitors as well. 

If your small business is looking for Salesforce consulting company, get in touch with us today to let us know your requirements. With our team of experienced professionals, we can provide comprehensive Salesforce solutions that can be tailored to your unique business requirements. 


Navigating the Salesforce Ecosystem: Choosing The Right Consulting Services

Staying ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving business world is a constant challenge. Businesses should manage their customer relationships effectively in order to stay ahead, and that’s where CRM platforms such as Salesforce come into play. Implementing and optimizing Salesforce requires a deep understanding of the best practices which many organizations lack and that’s where certified Salesforce consultants and salesforce consulting firms come into the picture.   

The right Salesforce implementation partner can make or break your Salesforce implementation. So, before you start this critical process, let us take you through the topmost indispensable factors that need your attention in this blog.  

1. Expertise and Certification   

A good Salesforce consulting company should include things such as demonstrated expertise and proficiency in the platform and also the number of certified consultants amongst their staff. Other aspects that are to be considered are the track record of successful projects along with unbiased reviews as well as longevity in practice.   

2. Industry Experience

Choosing a Salesforce consulting firm with expertise in your industry is essential as an industry-focused Salesforce consulting service provider will understand the intricacies of your business processes and provide you with tailored solutions that align with the industry’s best practices. You can also get valuable insights and suggestions based on their prior work with similar organizations as yours which can improve the effectiveness of your Salesforce implementation to a great extent.  

3. Team strength  

A good Salesforce consulting firm will have certified consultants with the right skills and insights to tackle complex business requirements and tailor Salesforce solutions according to your specific needs. It is important that you check if the company has a team with certified salesforce developers who play different roles. Choose a company that has the right mix of talent with diverse expertise to ensure quality and on-time deliverables.  

4. Customization Capabilities 

Salesforce is a highly customizable platform and it can be tailored to meet your specific business needs. Ensure that the Salesforce consulting services provider you choose understands the intricacies of these customizations and are able to convert your business requirements into customized features and automation within Salesforce. Go for Salesforce consultants with expertise in customization in order to empower you to maximize the salesforce platform’s potential and to create a robust CRM system that will perfectly align with your unique business needs. 

5. Integration and Data Migration Expertise

Ensure a seamless integration process by selecting a Salesforce consulting firm that has extensive experience when it comes to integration and data migration. Someone who is well-versed in different integration methods, such as APIs, and comprehensively understand data mapping as well as cleansing techniques. This in turn will help prevent data inconsistencies by ensuring a smooth transition to Salesforce for business without any operational disruptions.  

6. Change Management Strategies

Go for a certified Salesforce consulting firm that emphasizes change management, as it is crucial for your business. The firm should have a well-defined change management process that includes training programs and effective communication strategies, in order to ensure a smooth transition for your employees as well. A good change management approach from a experienced Salesforce consulting firm will help avoid resistance to change, promote user adoption, and also increase the return on investment from your Salesforce implementation.  

7. Ongoing Support and Maintenance 

Salesforce comes up with multiple releases in a year with many features that enable organizations to become faster, better, and efficient. Before you choose a Salesforce consulting firm, get to know about its post-implementation support services, as a cost-effective ongoing support model will ensure that your organization can take advantage of the relevant new features and maximize the Salesforce investment. This will ensure that your Salesforce implementation remains optimized and provide you with long-term value to your organization.  

8. Scalability and Future Growth 

Choose a Salesforce consulting firm that can accommodate your future needs as well as scalability requirements. A thorough understanding of Salesforce’s scalability capabilities is important so that they can provide you with recommendations for scalable architecture. This careful planning for future growth can help you avoid potential bottlenecks and the need for significant system overhauls in the future.  

9. References and Testimonials

Client references and testimonials are a good indicator of competence. So, request these from the Salesforce consulting company you are considering. Ask specific questions about project management, communication, expertise as well as overall satisfaction to get valuable firsthand information that will help you gauge whether the Salesforce consulting firm is the right fit for your organization.  

10. Alignment with Your Organizational Culture

Assess the salesforce firm’s compatibility with your organizational culture and values, as a Salesforce consulting provider that aligns with your culture will be a better fit to understand your business goals, communicate effectively with your teams, and provide a positive working relationship. A good consultant should also be receptive to feedback by having a client-centric approach to ensure that the unique needs and preferences of the customers are met throughout.  

11. Pricing and Contractual Agreements

It is important to consider the pricing structure and contractual agreements your chosen Salesforce consulting firm offers. Their pricing should align with your budget and provide clear visibility into the services that are included. Review the contract thoroughly and consider the project timelines, deliverables, and additional costs if any. A transparent and mutually beneficial contractual agreement is important to set the foundation for a successful collaboration and help avoid any conflicts in the future.  

12. Working Approach

Identify the approach and the way they work. Look for the salesforce firms that work using the partner approach and can help you with the right solution along with valuable additions. 

Making the decision to hire a salesforce consultant or consulting firm is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the success of your business as well as the Salesforce implementation itself. When you consider the above mentioned top essential factors, you can make an informed decision that will align with your organization’s needs and goals. 


We at Techcedence understand the complexities of Salesforce. When you hire salesforce consultant from our team of certified salesforce consultants, they guide you with their expertise and commitment to delivering tailored solutions and propel your business forward.  Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help you unlock the full potential of Salesforce and take your business to new heights.  


Enterprise Resource Planning and Its Common Types

The right types of ERP systems and ERP-integrated software will help you optimize costs, save time and money, improve financial control and help you gain global regulatory compliance. With cloud-based AP automation software add-on, you can improve your payment security with less fraud or error risks. 

There are many types of ERP software’s from cloud-based, on-premises, hybrid to multi-cloud to choose from. In this blog you can get an overview of each of these four ERP types. 

ERP Systems

ERP systems are used for accounting, financial reporting and managing other business processes with a unified software system and database. While some top ERP software providers and accounting related software vendors offer industry-specific ERP software’s or modules.

ERP software serves different industries such as:

  • Technology
  • Software
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Distributors 
  • eCommerce
  • Retail
  • Online marketplaces matching sellers and buyers
  • Non-profit 
  • Services
  • Healthcare 

Four Types of ERP Systems

There are four different types of ERP systems deployment they are:

  1. On-premise
  2. Cloud
  3. Hybrid
  4. Multicloud

1. On-premise ERP System

An on-premise enterprise resource planning system is licensed, customizable, upgraded, backed up for data recovery and maintained by the company onsite on its owned servers and computer equipments. 

Pros of On-premise ERP System

  • The company doesn’t pay monthly or annual subscription fee for use of the software as the total costs may be lowered over long-term.
  • The business can make customizations to the software to fit the needs better.
  • The company information and data remain on-site
  • The company isn’t dependent on the software vendor for the system needs
  • Internet outages won’t affect use of an on-premise computer-based system

Cons of an On-premise ERP System

  • It requires a larger initial investment when it comes to software and computer equipment and replacement of the equipments
  • Costs of hiring and retaining a qualified and trained IT staff is more
  • The user company should bear the risk of software obsolescence
  • Cyber security risks are more if the software isn’t upgraded on each computer from time to time
  • Data backups that are performed in-house can contain corrupted files

Your business can go for an on-premise ERP system if it has an established system that is already paid for and well customized and can afford a large and fully-trained IT staff and computer equipment.  

2. Cloud ERP System

A cloud-based ERP system is an Internet-based one that is available from anywhere with an Internet connection at any time. This ERP cloud software system is also referred to as SaaS.

Pros of a Cloud ERP System

  • Small investment to use the software 
  • You can choose a SaaS billing plan that fits your business needs in terms of software features and pricing
  • Cost of computer servers and IT staffs are avoided
  • It is available anytime and anywhere from any Internet-connected device
  • Upgrades are done automatically by the software vendor to all users at the same time.
  • Reduced cyber security risks
  • The software vendors will offer training, knowledge base as well as customer support

Cons of a Cloud ERP System

  • Your company may have to pay more for a cloud ERP system in the long run
  • Less customization can be done compared to the on-premise ERP systems
  • Bugs and additional features will require time for the software vendors to develop or fix

Your business can choose a cloud ERP system for its modern and web-based accessibility from anywhere at any time. You won’t have to invest large upfront in software, computer servers or IT staff. Cloud software’s provide off-site data backup for better disaster recovery as well.

3. Hybrid ERP System 

A hybrid ERP systems for small companies and large alike, uses a hybrid approach combining the use of on-premise infrastructure with cloud systems. These cloud systems include private as well as public clouds for services, storage, data access, and other applications. 

Pros of a Hybrid ERP System

  • Uses different types of ERP systems, infrastructure, and public cloud services that fit the current business needs
  • Easy up gradation of a legacy system by adding modern technologies, big data warehousing, analytics and cloud software
  • You will not have to add company-owned servers or network computer equipment for more functionality
  • More control over the ERP system features expansion, customization and data when an on-premise is included in hybrid.

Cons of a Hybrid ERP System

  • It retains the legacy system in the mix
  • Less flexibility when it comes to changing the system
  • It requires IT involvement inorder to ensure adequate security between the integrated systems

Your business can choose the hybrid ERP solutions for small businesses or large businesses, if you have made large investments in your current on-premise customized ERP system but want to modernize it with the cloud.

4. Multicloud ERP System

Multi-cloud ERP system uses integration to combine multiple third-party cloud applications and services. This includes public cloud with the ERP system. A multi-cloud ERP system doesn’t have to include a private cloud on-premise system, but may be included in the integrated multiple-cloud system. 

Pros of a Multicloud ERP System

  • You can add functionality with the best-in-class third-party cloud-based solutions for a complete optimized ERP implementation
  • It can be used to strengthen financial controls and reduce fraud risk or even achieve other software objectives including disaster recovery from offsite data.
  • It enables adding shared resources of public cloud services to increase capabilities 
  • It can be used from anywhere at any time when the Internet connection is working.
  • Multicloud ERP integration provides a unified system and login to achieve your business goals.

Cons of a Multicloud ERP System

  • A multi-cloud ERP system may require IT staff to ensure adequate security. 
  • Third-party cloud-based software can present hacking opportunities causingcybersecurity vulnerabilities.
  • The total costs of a multi-cloud ERP system can be very high. 
  • When public cloud computing is down, it could cause problems with the overall ERP system availability

Your business should choose a multi-cloud ERP system if you want to combine core ERP software functionality with additive third-party software solutions as well as a shared public cloud computing services using massive non-owned computer infrastructure. You can also get more visibility of real-time data. 

Inorder to achieve the most out of ERP, it is important to know the benefits of an ERP system and explore the types of ERP systems, third-party software and services and components available on the market from a good software development company.


Top 10 App Development Platforms in 2024

The demand for app development platforms is increasing as it allows developers and entrepreneurs to assemble various elements and features into an app.

Selecting the best platform for app development will not be an easy task for you. That’s why, to make it easy, we have the best mobile app development platforms for cross platform app development here.

1. Alpha Anywhere

This is a complete front, back-end and a low-code application development platform that is widely used for the rapid development, distribution & deployment of mobile applications on both iOS and Android platforms. Its unique coding-optional technology that allows developers to achieve high productivity with the complete freedom.


• Easy to connect with all SQL as well as no-SQL databases

• Flexible conflict resolution and a large data storage capacity

• Enterprise-class data protection and also a complete administrative control • Tightly integrated analytics and charting features

• Easily added drag-and-drop editor and scheduling of cross-platform apps

2. Flutter

This is the best UI toolkit helping to build native applications for the web, mobile, and desktop. It comes with a fully customized widgets that helps to create native mobile applications in a very short time. The layered architecture ensures fast rendering of components.


• Built-in Cupertino (iOS-flavor) widgets

• Supports both iOS and Android platforms

• Can develop high-performance apps

• Rich motion APIs

3. Mendix

This is the fastest and easiest low-code app development platform, widely used by businesses to develop mobile & web apps for high performance. It accelerates the delivery of enterprise applications, from ideation to deployment and operations, making it easy to implement both Agile and DevOps with Mendix. It also offers no-code as well as low-code tooling in one single fully integrated platform.


• The rapid building, deploying, and operating of enterprise-grade applications

• Can be used for low-code and no-code platforms

• Build on unrivaled cloud architecture

• Best functionalities and exceptional customer support

4. Xamarin

This platform supplies add-ins to Microsoft Visual Studio that allows developers to develop Android, iOS, as well as Windows Apps with C# codebase. It allows code sharing in multiple platforms, like cross-platform mobile app development. Being a cross-platform and open source app building platform, Xamarin offers a development ecosystem with back-end, API, and components. It is supported by various tools, libraries, and programming languages and has a cloud service, which allows testing on any number of devices.


• Produce only fewer bugs and faster time • Best backend infrastructure

• Component store with UI controls, cross-platform libraries as well as third-party libraries

• Allows application Indexing and Deep Linking

5. Unity Ads

This is an important platform when it comes to integration of video ads into mobile games and increase player engagement. It is also known for offering the highest Average Revenue Per User of any global rewarded video advertisement network.


• The setup is very simple and easy to implement

• Helps to engage more players

• Offers a positive player experience

• Doesn’t interrupt the gameplay while introducing rewarded gameplay

6. Ionic

This platform comes into picture when you want to build an interactive hybrid mobile or progressive web app along with cross-platform applications. The unique benefit of using this open-source framework is one can create applications and ship them to deployable locations every time it is build. If you want an easy visual development environment, you can install Ionic Studio, a powerful version of Ionic. This mobile app development software is widely known for developing hybrid mobile apps as it is an HTML 5 mobile app development framework.


• Ionic is a free and open-source project

• Fast and powerful development platform

• Have complete control over app building

• Builds native and progressive web applications

• Easily handles all the UI components

• A developer can build apps for all app stores with a single code base

7. React Native

This is a widely used JavaScript library that creates native mobile apps for all devices and platforms and helps to develop rich apps to give the best user experience. This mobile app development software also allows developers to create platform-specific versions of various components for native apps with easy use single codebase across various platforms.


• Low-code requirement

• Compatible with third-party plugins

• Declarative API for predictive UI

• Supports both iOS and Android

8. Sencha

This is an MVC-based JavaScript app development platform that offers a high level of responsiveness to the application for improving customer satisfaction. Sencha has merged with Ext JS for building data-intensive applications for both web and mobile. It is known for cross-platform mobile development as well.


• Has the ability to manage millions of data

• Flexible layout system and data representation

• Codes can be translated with the help of the mobile app development tools

• Rationalized configuration system

• Best support with the animations and touch events

9. Adobe PhoneGap

This platform is widely known for its use in Android app development. The benefit of using this is that you can develop a single app works on all mobile devices. Also, it is an open-source desktop application that helps link the apps to mobile devices.


• Compatible on all the platforms

• Works effectively on JavaScript, HTML5,and CSS3

• Easy to integrate various libraries in order to enhance app development

• Can extend the functionality of the applications with a plug-in architecture

• Strong backend and is easy to develop an app

10. NativeScript

NativeScript is one of the most preferred platforms by mobile app development companies to create native mobile applications. This helps reduce the code and the load time of native apps on the system. There are many leading companies who love using Native Scripts for their web empowerment platform.


• Native user interface without WebViews

• Direct access to Android and iOS APIs

• Cross-platform mobile app

• Good backend support

• Hundreds of NativeScript plugins are available

• Provides three complete real-world app implementations

Now that you know almost all the information on the 10 best app development platforms, choose the right mobile app development company, so that you don’t miss its most valuable features and select the best one.


A Guide to Cybersecurity in Software Development

In an era dominated by digital transformation, software development is a cornerstone of innovation across the industries. From healthcare to finance, communication to transportation, software applications drive efficiency, connectivity as well as growth. However, this rapid technological advancement also comes with its significant downsides: the ever-growing threat of cyberattacks. Ensuring robust security in software development has become extremely important to safeguard sensitive data, maintain user trust, and preserve integrity of systems. In this blog, we are going to delve into the best practices and strategies for integrating cybersecurity in software development seamlessly throughout the software development vs cybersecurity lifecycle.

Cyber threats vary in their forms. Here are the most popular cyber security threats out there:

1. Phishing Attack

Phishing is fraudulent emails that are sent to someone to make them think they are from a reputable source. The victim is prompted to click on a link, open an attachment or download a file that grants attackers the illegal access.

2. Malware Attack

Malware is software that is intentionally used to harm a network or computer system. Malware attacks against individuals have decreased, while they have surged against organizations. There are many types of malware attacks, but the most common are three – Ransomware, Spyware and Adware.

3. Business Email Compromise

BEC Attacks are done on businesses that involve email compromise. They utilize email to deceive them into sending money to a fake account. A corporate network usually gets accessed through a hacked or spoof email address from which the hackers gather enough data to launch a request for payment from an authorized partner.

4. DoS and DDoS Attacks

A DoS attack aims to bring down a computer system/ network so that the potential audience cannot reach it. A DDoS attack is an attempt to obstruct a server, application or network’s regular traffic by saturating its working system with excessive Internet junk traffic.

5. SQL Injection Attack

An SQL injection attack involves inserting a SQL query through the client’s input data into the program to access, modify, and delete confidential data from the database.

6. Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks are a brand-new risk for suppliers and software engineers as it spreads malware through software upgrade systems, source code, and build processes to infect simple apps.

7. Insider Attacks

A cyber security danger that comes from inside an organization often happens when a former or current employee, consultant, client, or business partner exposes the company’s systems, networks, and data and abuses their privilege. Insider threats can be carried out purposely or accidentally.

8. Zero Day Attack

A phrase for freshly identified security flaws that cybercriminals can use to exploit systems is called zero-day. It is termed as zero-day because the seller or programmer has only become aware of the vulnerability, they have zero days to remedy it.

9. Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking is the illegal use of another person’s computing power to mine cryptocurrencies by attempting to gain control of every device they can, including computers, servers, cloud infrastructure and more.

The Software Development Lifecycle and Cybersecurity

1. Threat Modeling and Risk Assessment:

Embark on the development journey with a clear understanding of potential threats and vulnerabilities by engaging in thorough threat modeling and risk assessments to identify weak points that could be exploited by malicious acts.

2. Secure Architecture Design:

The foundation of a secure software lies in its architecture. A well-thought-out architecture minimizes attack surfaces while enhancing resilience.

3. Secure Coding Standards and Practices:

Developers should adhere to secure coding guidelines to avoid common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and more. They should regularly update coding standards to ensure that security practices evolve alongside emerging threats.

4. Code Reviews and Static Analysis:

Routine code reviews and automated static code analysis tools help identify vulnerabilities before they can even manifest as a security loophole. This minimizes the risk of introducing vulnerabilities during development.

5. Authentication and Authorization:

Robust authentication mechanisms, including multi-factor authentication, bolster user identity verification and implementing granular authorization controls by employing the principle of least privilege to limit user access to only what is necessary.

6. Data Protection and Encryption:

Employ industry-standard encryption algorithms as well as key management practices to safeguard user information from unauthorized access.

7. Patch and Vulnerability Management:

Regularly update and patch the software application as well as the underlying libraries, frameworks, and components.

8. Third-party Component Security:

Leverage third-party components cautiously and regularly update them to benefit from security patches and enhancements as overlooking the security of these components can inadvertently introduce weaknesses into the software.

9. Continuous Monitoring and Intrusion Detection:

Employ continuous monitoring tools and intrusion detection systems to identify unusual patterns of behavior in real-time.

10. User Input Validation and Output Encoding:

Validate and sanitize all user inputs to avoid injection attacks. Additionally, encode output data to prevent cross-site scripting, and also ensure that user interactions remain secure.

11. Secure Configuration Management:

Maintain a robust configuration management strategy that adheres to security best practices by adjusting default settings, eliminating unnecessary services and implementing strong access controls for server environments.

12. Ongoing Training and Awareness:

Foster a culture of cybersecurity and awareness of the difference between software development vs cybersecurity among developers through regular training sessions and knowledge sharing to help them stay current with emerging threats and evolving security practices and remain one step ahead of potential attackers.

13. Incident Response Planning:

Develop a comprehensive incident response plan that outlines precise steps to take in the event of a security breach. Test this plan through simulation exercises to ensure the team is well-prepared to handle any unforeseen threats.

It is extremely imperative to know the difference between cybersecurity vs software engineering and prioritize cybersecurity in software development and it cannot be overstated. As technology advances, so does the capabilities of the cybercriminals out there. The interconnectedness of our digital world can lead to the repercussions of a security breach extending far beyond financial losses. By choosing a good software development company you can meticulously integrating cybersecurity measures throughout the software development lifecycle, organizations can mitigate risks, safeguard sensitive data and also cultivate a culture of security consciousness. In today’s landscape where cyber threats are constantly evolving, proactive cybersecurity practices are not just a necessity, but a strategic advantage that enables innovation to thrive while keeping digital assets secure with a secure software development process.


Future of Software Development in the Age of AI

Can you imagine a world where software writes itself? Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? You’d be surprised to know that the day isn’t too far away.  It’s no secret that AI software development has seen a whooping growth in the last couple of decades, and it doesn’t seem like it’s stopping anytime soon. Almost every market has seen AI enter their field in one way or another and software development is no exception.

We’ve seen how easier software development has become with the inception of powerful IDEs and how useful method extractions are when we want to refactor programs. These static solutions provide tremendous value but what if we could have these tools learning alongside us? What if software automatically fixes its bugs? That’s future of software development in the age of AI for you.  

Understanding AI in software development 

  • Artificial intelligence in software engineering already significantly contributes to software development by automating tasks, increasing productivity and improving decision-making.
  • Processes are being automated with AI, which save time and physical labor.
  • Code quality and bug identification increases due to AI algorithms’ analysis of data and anomaly detection.
  • AI’s predictive analytics anticipates probable problems and user behavior.
  • Personalized user experiences, deployment and effective testing are all made possible by integrating AI in software development

In this blog, let us now have a quick peek at the various benefits that AI has to offer:

1. AI powered automation 

Automation is where AI has had noticeable impact on software development. Developers spend a lot of time manually testing and writing code, which can be prone to errors. However, these automation tools powered by AI are making this process easier. They produce code, carry out in-depth testing, and deploy applications on their own, significantly saving development time while increasing overall productivity by taking over these monotonous chores.  The automation of AI software development is a game-changer, driving toward a more productive and efficient future.

2. Enhanced code quality and bug detection 

Artificial intelligence in software engineering is useful for identifying defects and vulnerabilities in software codes as it has remarkable pattern recognition capabilities. It find patterns that may be indicative of possible problems that manual reviews could miss. Developers can also drastically raise the quality of their software by using AI-powered code review tools that detect minute mistakes and potential security gaps that can result in system breakdowns or cyber attacks. Including AI into code review procedures helps development of more dependable and secure apps, giving users a solid and dependable software experience.

3. Natural language processing and code generation

AI-driven natural language processing has completely changed how programmers engage with computers.AI-assisted code generation, enables developers to describe desired functionality in plain English and have the AI transform it into code automatically. This invention can help non-experts to participate in software development and write code without having extensive technical knowledge.

Also, AI-generated code speeds up the coding process and lowers the need for manual coding, cutting down on development time and filling the gap between non-technical stakeholders and developers. It promotes a more productive and collaborative coding environment as well.

4. Intelligent testing 

By automating numerous testing methods, AI-powered testing solutions transforms this process. 

They emulate user interactions in the real world and spot possible problems in a variety of settings. It can evaluate huge datasets, find edge cases—rare situations that can be hard to find manually, lowers the possibility of defects or vulnerabilities going unnoticed. AI-powered testing produces better software with increased stability and performance, giving consumers a dependable and seamless experience.

5. AI in devops 

DevOps automates tasks and encourages collaboration between development and operations teams. The processes are made more efficient by incorporating AI into DevOps by undertaking monotonous jobs, freeing up engineers to work on more valuable projects. It also enables continuous integration and continuous deployment, automating the testing, integration, and deployment of code changes. Short development cycles, quick delivery and increased agility are all the outcomes of this. Organizations are empowered to offer high-quality software with quick updates with seamless integration of AI and DevOps, giving them a competitive edge.

6. Personalization and user experience 

AI software development is transforming user experiences by examining user behavior and preferences.  Software programs may tailor information, recommend useful features and foresee user needs. AI can personalize the user interface, content recommendations and suggestions to meet particular tastes by learning unique user preferences giving a more engaging and rewarding experience. This makes users are more likely to stick around and be more satisfied.

7. AI for software maintenance and updates 

The powers of AI are crucial to software maintenance and updates. AI software development can forecast prospective maintenance problems by examining historical data and patterns, enabling developers to take preventative action. AI can automate software updates, speeding the procedure and guaranteeing that the programs remain current with the recent developments. By incorporating AI into software maintenance, customers will receive a seamless and dependable experience that ensures software efficiency, security, and improvement throughout its life cycle.

8. AI and internet of things integration

Real-time data from IoT devices can be processed and analyzed quickly by AI algorithms. Applications in a variety of fields such as home automation, healthcare, and transportation can be developed that are more intelligent and responsive to this synergy. AI-powered systems can also learn user preferences in home automation and change settings accordingly. 

Innovative software solutions are being developed in numerous industries, which promote creativity, efficiency and improved user experiences. The growth of AI in software development is revolutionizing the field of software development in a significant way, with previously unheard levels of automation, effectiveness as well as intelligence. It is improving every step of the development process, from code creation to testing and user experience. However, this also raises ethical questions about things like job displacement and biased algorithms. For a future in which AI-powered software development benefits all of humankind, it is important to strike a balance between embracing AI’s potential and resolving these issues to create a better digital world. We are a software development company and an artificial intelligence development company providing AI software development services for startups to established companies. Get in touch with us right now! Let us help you explore your business and find out the best ways to transform your business. 


Top 10 Emerging Tech Trends 2023

2023 is here, and new technologies are emerging. But there are many innovations yet to come. As familiar markets and technologies are likely to surprise us with new advancements, it’s very likely that we’ll see the birth of new trends as the year goes along. 

In a world where technologies are gaining the most traction, what are the most important trends that just cannot be ignored? Which technology trends should one embrace to continue digital acceleration? We have identified the 10 of most important trends.

Let’s have a look at 10 key emerging technology trends to watch in 2023. 

1. Web 3.0

Web 3.0 aims to adopt technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain and many more to enhance user experience. It is also aimed at giving more control to the users over their data usage and visibility.

2. Cloud computing

Cloud is embraced not only by startups and businesses but also by governmental organizations. It’s very much possible that by the end of 2023, there will be a significant transition of businesses and institutes to Cloud.

3. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality has gained popularity, especially in the entertainment and gaming industries. Augmented reality can help businesses provide more detailed information on their services and products.

4. Blockchain

With companies realizing blockchain’s ability to develop secure systems, it has been trending for the past few years. There is also no centralized authority to control the data, making blockchain safe from cyber threats.

5. DevSecOps

DevSecOps involves integration of security in the software development life cycle. This ensures that security is integrated at every level of the software. DevSecOps also helps identify security threats and vulnerabilities early, helping make secure, risk-free, and reliable software.

6. Python

Python is ranked third after Java and C in terms of popularity and growth rate making the demand for the language increased twice. Python is also not difficult to learn, and it can be adapted to very complex projects with advanced levels of skill. 

7. Edge Computing

It is not the only computing innovation for the year but also Edge computing as it allows solving this problem by moving data to the edge of the local network, providing users the opportunity to use it both online and offline making it a prominent computing form. 

8. No Code Development

As industries that aren’t digital by their nature such as agriculture, are undergoing rapid digital transformation. Hiring a software development team isn’t a top-priority expense, which made No-code development a web development trend. In 2023, this trend is anticipated to grow to other fields of software development as well.

9. Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture is accelerating with the adoption of Cloud development. It involves breaking down large and complex applications into smaller independent services, reducing the risk of dependencies.

10. Kubernetes

Many organizations have adopted Kubernetes in 2022 and this number is going to increase in 2023. K8s is an open-source technology that is used to manage container technology for cloud computing. Due to the automation, Kubernetes offers the best use of the resources as well as the overall savings on ecosystem management.

As we look ahead, it’s clear that the emerging technologies are set to revolutionize industries and society and organizations must be agile and adaptable to stay ahead of the curve by embracing these new trends to remain competitive. That’s where Techcedence comes in. We are a software development solutions provider who understands the importance of keeping up with emerging technologies to help you take your business to the next level.

Technology development is the key to business growth. And with the wide range of needs and growing demands of consumers, we at Techcedence keep up with the technology development trends to deliver the best in class Experience with our products and services. 

Get in touch with us to hire developers or learn more about our unique services.


The benefits of cloud-based enterprise software

Companies that are successful almost always run on the same kind of engine called the cloud ERP. This software powers super agility and digital transformation, offering a wide-ranging benefit to the modern businesses.

The user-friendly technologies and automation of a modern ERP reduces tedious manual work, increases productivity, and improves employee experiences. Not just this but the benefits of ERP are many and vary from business to business.

Here are 10 cloud ERP benefits that apply to everyone: 

1. Continuous innovation

Many businesses move to cloud ERP software in order to:

  • Improve operations
  • Change outdated business models and processes
  • Introduce new capabilities that support business best practices.

Cloud ERP improves and speeds up not only finance and accounting practices, but also the operations across the company that can even extend beyond to business partners and networks.

2. Lower costs

With a subscription service, there’s no purchase cost for hardware or ERP software and the ongoing IT and related staff costs are lower as the upgrade and maintenance expenses are handled by the provider. Cost savings can be very significant especially with a public cloud ERP deployment.

3. Simplicity and automation

With a modern cloud ERP, companies can:

  • Consolidate standalone legacy applications
  • Standardize and integrate all existing and new applications
  • Eliminate the use of disconnected systems.
  • Simplify workflows
  • Intelligently automate processes
  • Gain new efficiencies across the business.

4. New functionality

Cloud ERP vendors deliver new functionality and application improvements to all companies that use their software through continuous upgrades and several new larger releases per year. Since updates are delivered to everyone at once, you can never miss an opportunity while waiting for a vendor to update your custom ERP system. If customers identify similar requirements, they even can push the ERP vendor for changes and the overall pace of innovation is more responsive and faster.

5. Real-time insights

Modern cloud ERP systems have been architected to unlock big data so that you can access information hidden within large and complex data sets. While legacy ERP systems provide reporting tools, they do not offer the integrated or real-time analytics available through the cloud. The ability to see trends, predict changes, and automate processes improves resource usage enhancing customer service.

6. Mobile ERP

Businesses must provide information access to employees, subcontractors, vendors, and customers anywhere and anytime which requires a secure mobile device support. The mobile capabilities are built into SaaS ERP products rather than added on and modern user interfaces with a responsive design to fit mobile screens are key for the users.

7. Intelligent technologies

Intelligent technologies are being built into modern SaaS ERP solutions to improve productivity. These technologies include :

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Machine learning
  • Robotic process automation (RPA)
  • Internet of Things (IoT)

This allows devices such as machines or sensors to feed data back to applications through the cloud for up-to-date status informations.

8. World-class security

Cloud systems ERP security, data backups, and disaster recovery are handled by full-time professional security experts. Cloud vendors have the best data security available as cloud ERP systems are more complete, connected, and collaborative and they avoid vulnerability at points of integration reducing risks associated with a multi-vendor landscape.

9. Fast implementation

The ramp-up for a cloud ERP system is much quicker than on-premise deployment, as the SaaS supplier handles hardware and software installations, providing dedicated staff with data centre management expertise. Like consumer mobile apps, cloud ERP business applications can be configured easily as well as the intuitive user interface makes learning to use the app fast and easy and speeds time to productivity, allowing businesses to seize opportunity.

10. Scalability

As growth can be hard to forecast, scalability is important and with a SaaS ERP solution, you can simply add additional computing power or data storage capacity when you experience rapid growth, rather than incurring a large capital expense.

For many organisations, the advantages of ERP systems run very deep. Cloud ERP systems can equip the an organization, not just the finance functions but also with the modern tools and technologies they need to move the company forward and scale operations to keep up with the relentless pace of change. Thats why, choosing a good software development company can go a long way when it comes to ERP.