Software Testing Technology Web App Development

How to Select the Right Web Application Testing Service Provider 

From e-commerce platforms to social networks, the digital landscape is full of web applications that connect us in unprecedented ways. This connectivity, however, comes with a catch which is the vulnerability of web applications to all kinds of cyber threats. In this blog, we’ll have a look into the world of web application testing service provider, how to explore their significance, how to choose the right one, and the factors to consider during such decision-making process. 

Understanding Web Testing Services: 

Web application testing process involves a series of systematic checks and evaluations in order to identify issues and ensure that a website or web app functions as intended. There are different types of web testing, such as:  

  • functional testing 
  • performance testing 
  • security testing 
  • compatibility testing 
  • usability testing 

These address various aspects of a digital platform’s functionality, and these tests collectively guarantee a seamless user experience as well as protect against any potential vulnerabilities. 
One of the primary responsibilities of the software testing companies is to ensure quality assurance and bug detection in the software that is being developed. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Web Testing Service Provider: 

Outsourcing web application testing services brings many benefits: 

  • It allows organizations to utilize the expertise of professionals specialized in various testing methodologies.
  • Use cutting-edge tools 
  • Maintain objectivity in identifying and resolving issues.

Selecting the right web application testing services provider requires a proper evaluation of several key factors such as:

1. Expertise and Experience:

Look for a provider with a proven track record when it comes to web testing and who has a deep understanding of your industry. Their experience with similar projects to yours can contribute to efficient testing as well as issue identification. 

2. Testing Methodologies and Tools: 

Ensure the provider is well-versed in modern testing methodologies, such as Agile, which can enable iterative and collaborative testing. They should also have the right expertise in using automation tools to streamline their testing process. 

3. Customization and Flexibility: 

Each and every digital platform is unique, and the testing strategy should reflect that. A reputable provider will offer a tailored testing solution that caters to your specific needs and challenges. Also, the provider should be able to accommodate the growth of your digital assets in the long run. 

4. Reputation and Reviews: 

Research the web app testing service provider’s reputation by checking their client testimonials, case studies, and online reviews. Positive feedback from their satisfied clients indicates a reliable and effective service. 

Steps to Evaluate Potential Web Testing Service Providers for Your Business: 

To choose the right web testing service provider, follow the steps mentioned below: 

1. Define Your Testing Requirements: 

Outline the types of testing you require clearly, including functional, performance, security, and others if any. 

2. Research Potential Providers: 

Compile a list of potential web app testing providers based on recommendations and online searches. 

3. Request Case Studies and Sample Reports: 

Ask for their case studies and sample reports that showcase their previous work in order to gauge their expertise and thoroughness. 

4. Conduct Interviews or Consultations: 

Engage with potential providers to gain insights into their approach and capabilities.

5. Assess Pricing and Cost Structure: 

Consider your budget and compare the costs of different providers, keeping value and quality over the cheapest option as your priority. 

Selecting the right web application testing service and web application testing tools is a decision that will impact the security, performance, and overall quality of your web applications and the web app testing process. By carefully considering your needs, focusing on key testing capabilities, and assessing factors like scalability, integration, and reputation, you can make an informed choice on the perfect Web Application Testing Service Provider for you who can contribute to the success of your digital assets. Choose wisely to empower your organizations with a testing service that will align with the dynamic challenges of your digital landscape. 

Web App Development

2024 Enterprise Web Development & Design Guide

An enterprise web development requires planning and strategy in the beginning. Existing websites can have hundreds of microsites and pages of content that makes it difficult to redesign their visual appearance and information architecture. 

Building an enterprise site right from the scratch also needs a clear vision to plan for situations and use cases that have not yet occurred. It is no longer enough to just build a website for your small business in order to gain competitive advantage in today’s online marketplace. 

A smart way to build an enterprise website is a modern approach to win digital customers and businesses. A company’s enterprise web application is a big step up from just having a presence online to acting as the center of the digital marketing strategy. From there, lead generation and sales will both proceed naturally. This is one of the big reasons why a guide to enterprise web development holds so much significance.

However, with the current level of competition, businesses must do some work to build a business website that is both enterprise website design as well as enterprise web development that is effective for the user and generates the traffic as well. To create such an enterprise website, you have told keep in mind a number of principles.

As a web application development company, we at Techcedence have worked on projects of all sizes. When it comes to designing digital experiences at an enterprise level, we’ve learned a lot from working over the years. Here are a few tactics that we’ve found that will be effective on how to create enterprise web application.

Factors you need to consider for Enterprise Website Development

1. Enterprise Website Design

Users won’t take your company seriously if your website isn’t user-friendly on mobile devices and your bottom line will be negatively impacted by this. That’s why you need an all-inclusive guide to enterprise websites development. A well-designed website should support consistent experiences on every screen size with the same ability to optimize for conversions, structure content and measure engagement. 

2. Information Framework

Information framework shows the organization of your site’s content. To build enterprise websites, quality content that is structured in the right order for better readability and conversions is very important. Conversion rates keep declining with every new page visitors have to browse through.

3. Contemporary Designing Approach

A website’s reputation is determined majorly by its appearance. Excellent design equals good business. Conversion-centric design helps draw attention to specific aspects of the website as it uses icons, animations, vibrant colors and retro fonts by concentrating on developing trends.

4. Prioritize Content

Developers may now use APIs to provide content to any screen or device and front-end developers can start working on how to show that content using any framework they choose. The ability to adapt and provide a content as a service model, is a rapidly growing trend in enterprise website development.

5. Effective Use Of Low-Code Platforms

Low-code platforms for enterprise web development makes it possible for anyone with a good concept and little to no coding skills to create their programs.

6. Automation

Machine learning-based automation can generate data that quickly raises red lights and indicates possible problems in advance of when they arise.

How to Build an Enterprise-Level Website

If you are wondering what the best practices are for creating an effective website. How to create an enterprise-level website. And the best way to lay out a strategy before beginning a project? Well, here is your answer!

1. Being user-centric is the only way to succeed

Don’t make the mistake of prioritizing your brand story over the information the customers need to hear when they begin a website redesign or build a new website from scratch.

It’s not just enough for a website to look good. It should to be able to do more than that as users should always come first when deciding on the website design.

2. Understand your stakeholders and user personas

Understanding your target audience is very important in developing a user-centric approach. The most important segments of your audience may not all be reachable, but putting in some effort can help you narrow your focus and create a site that is tailored to their specific wants and needs.

3. Define the purpose and functional positioning

Promote your products and conduct internal discussions to answer why you need a web presence to determine the site’s purpose based on the website’s function, purpose and integrate the company’s resources and the website’s function type based on the company’s needs and plans.

4. Put more emphasis on the content strategy

How you present your content to users is as important as the content type you create. Keeping in mind that people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter by the day, you have to layout your content in a way that makes it easy to skim and draw attention to the important points.

5. Always be mobile-first

Mobile experience is just as important to the user as the desktop experience. Your brand’s search visibility is directly correlated to the ease with which mobile devices can be used.

6. Focus on the website design

CI standards must be followed in the web design to ensure that there is consistency in the organizational image of the company. Maintaining overall consistency of the pages by paying attention to the color, the application of the picture, and the layout plan is very important.

7. Maintenance of the website

Maintaining the server, related software and hardware, and determining the response time for any issues that may arise is very critical. Set up relevant website maintenance rules, and standardize maintenance of your website.

Professional enterprise app development companies like Techcedence will maintain the static information when providing web application development services on behalf of your enterprise. Also, in addition to the above points, you have to also make sure to test your website for bugs on a regular basis and keep up with your marketing plan. We hope this guide on enterprise web apps development and design will help you create an enterprise website that is engaging within no time.

CMS Partner

Web App Development

Website vs. Web App: Opt for the Best Solution

Websites and web applications can help you take your business to the next level. But, how to know whether your business needs a website or web application? When you’re planning to build something on the web, one of the first decisions you’ll make is choosing between a website vs a web app.

This can be a tough decision as there can be confusion between these terms. It’s probably because the line between websites and web apps has become blurred in recent years. In the early days most sites were simply collections of text and images. But as the web has evolved, more and more sites have begun to offer interactive features and functionality that were only found in traditional desktop applications.

So when you’re trying to decide if you need a website or a web app, it’s important to take into account the specific goals and feature you want from your site or app.

You need to understand that web application and website aren’t synonymous. That’s why, it is best to know their subtleties so that there is clarity on what to choose for your business.

Your decision should also be based on your business needs and factors, including:

  • Target audiences
  • Intended purpose
  • Available budget
  • Essential Features

Having an unclear idea about what you want could hamper your decision-making process, leading to unrealistic expectations from the web development agency.

Techcedence is highly experienced with creating websites as well as web applications and can help you with custom web solutions, guiding you through the process and help you save time and achieve the online presence. 

So don’t worry, we got your back! In this blog, we’ll be discussing different aspects of web applications vs websites and the difference between website and web application.

Here are some scenarios:

1. Expanding functionality:

If you want to add new features or streamline complex processes, then a web application is a cost-effective option.

2. Improving user experience:

A web application can provide a rich and customizable interface that enhances customer interactions with your product and service.

3. Catering to multiple user groups: 

With a web application, you can create different access levels for various user segments that allows for content personalization.

4. Enabling comfortable remote work: 

Cloud-based web applications allow seamless collaboration, helping teams to work simultaneously with access to all the necessary information.

5. Effective user retention: 

A well-designed web app with a great user interface, personalization options, fast performance and regular updates can attract and retain the users.

Difference between Websites and Web Applications

1. Purpose

  • Websites inform users about services, marketing, and contact information
  • Web applications aim to solve specific tasks through interactive features

2. Development process

  • Website development focuses on creating visually appealing interfaces and content
  • Web application development involves complex functionalities with higher levels of protection and infrastructure setup

3. Authentication

  • Websites require authentication for specific actions
  • Web applications require authentication due to their interaction with user data

4. Interactivity

  • Websites usually have static content
  • Web applications provide interactive elements to deliver desired results

5. Production duration

  • Websites can be created quickly
  • Web application development timelines depend on various factors like design complexity and functionality and can take anywhere from 2 to 6 months

6. Used web technologies

  • Websites can be developed using JavaScript, HTML, CSS and also using various Content Management Systems
  • Web applications utilize similar technologies but can require additional server-side programming languages, databases and APIs

7. Stability

  • Websites require high stability and reliability that ensures 24/7 availability
  • Web applications can be more resilient to downtime and service interruptions, depending on their purpose and user expectations

8. Support

  • Websites typically require basic support such as technical troubleshooting, content updates, security maintenance and so on
  • Web applications may need more extensive support for fixing bugs, feature improvements and new feature implementations

9. Scalability

  • Websites usually require simple scaling options like adding more server resources
  • Web applications require advanced scaling solutions like automatic scaling/ load balancing across multiple servers

How to Choose the Best Solution for Your Business? Here are some factors to consider:

1. Functionality

  • If your business requires basic information dissemination, them a website will be the right choice for you
  • If you want complex features like user accounts, data processing, or integration with other systems, then a web application is the right choice

2. Interaction with users

  • If you want to provide static content and a portfolio, then a website is a better option.
  • If you need ratings, reviews, and advanced chatbot functionalities, then a web application a better option

3. Resources

  • Websites can be developed quickly with limited resources
  • Web applications require more time and investment

When it comes to choosing between web application and website development for your business, opting for a web app offers several advantages. Unlike websites that primarily provide information and marketing content, web app offers higher level of interactivity as well as functionality. With a web app, you can provide a personalized and engaging user experience, cater to specific user needs, and streamline complex processes. You can also allow for easy integration with other software systems that enables seamless data exchange that enhances the overall business efficiency. Web apps also offer scalability and advanced security features with the ability to work across different devices and operating systems. By choosing the right option, you can unlock the full potential of your digital presence and provide a more robust and dynamic solution that meets your business goals.

Whether you want to develop a website vs web app, what you need the most is a reliable web application development company like Techcedence who can understand your business needs and provide the best web application development services. Our web application developers have developed enterprise websites and web applications with proper website performance analysis to suit the web development trends for startups to established companies. So, if you’re struggling to decide between web app and website advantages and disadvantages, get in touch with us right now! Let us help you explore your business and find out the best ways to digitally transform your business. 

Web App Development

The future of custom web applications: Trends to watch

The world of web application development is constantly changing. As new technologies are emerging and user expectations are evolving, there is a continuous flow of new applications, websites, functions, and features.

If you want your web app to stand out in this highly competitive market then, that can only be possible if developed using modern technologies. Your web app developers have to work on modern innovations and creative ideas to help you stay competitive and ahead of your game.

As you can create custom web applications that make accessing data quicker and easier these days, let us explore some of the latest trends in web application development to watch out for.

1. Single-page applications

Today’s web apps are all about simplicity and speed and that’s exactly what single-page websites offer. There are no traditional menus or complex navigational systems that clutter. The web page is just divided up into logical sections making it easier for users. You just have to scroll down in one continuous motion, or just click on the anchor links to jump to the particular section.

2. Progressive web apps

Progressive web apps are like mobile apps that actually work in the browser. Aside from getting a mobile app experience in the browser, they also have many advantages like:

  • They can work offline
  • They are highly engaging
  • They load very quickly
  • They don’t require installation like web apps
  • They can be discovered via online search 

3. Artificial intelligence

AI assistants is considered to be AI assistants help millions of people and lots of businesses perform operations faster by using text or voice chats. The spread of AI assistants has made it crucial for businesses to provide continuous customer engagement making it one of the most influential technologies that will shape the future of web app development. 

4. Push notifications

Web applications are taking advantage of push notifications, and this is a trend that will be seen throughout 2023. As brands are constantly seeking ways to communicate with the user, push notifications can help the user receive useful updates even if they don’t have the web application open.

5. Motion UI

Many customers consider the web application design essential for the brand. Motion UI is a powerful front-end library to create customized and animated UI elements, helping to express your unique style and keep your user entertained. Motion UI can be very helpful especially in progressive web app designs.

As a web application developer in the fast-moving landscape of today, keeping abreast of changes is very important. Being in tune with how the industry is moving and anticipating which factors will have the biggest impact can have a lot of benefits in the long run.

These trends in web app development will transform the way businesses interact with the clients and boost user engagement. Adopting these latest web technologies can help your businesses stay competitive.

We are a web application development services company with a team of expert custom web application developers who are well-equipped with the skills and the experience needed for custom web application development to create an unmatched digital experience for your customers. 

Web App Development

Top 5 Changes in Modern Web Application Development

How is Modern Web App Development Changing?

Web application development is a highly dynamic space. Every time you look at the latest web app development trends, you’d find something new creating the buzz. Of course, the continuous evolution keeps developers on their toes. But thanks to the zest. That makes web apps more and more competent by the day for users!

User needs and demands significantly drive modern web app development. The app’s interactivity alone doesn’t suffice these days. Users demand intelligent apps that simplify their use and offer more sophisticated experiences! 

Thus, web apps require integrating technologies that meet these advanced user needs. Let’s look at five such of them trending in modern web app development.

1. VR and AR

Immersive web experiences have become more important than ever. If it isn’t engaging and immersive enough, it simply isn’t happening! 

Given the need, what could be better than AR and VR? Thus, many web applications increasingly integrate AR and VR to deliver out-of-the-world user experiences and foster more meaningful interactions.

2. Intelligent Chatbots

Human-to-human interactions could be delayed. After all, how many people can help a customer service agent chat at the same time? That precisely makes chatbots the need of the hour. But AI-driven intelligent chatbots!

AI-driven smart chatbots can interact with numerous users simultaneously, precisely answer their questions and learn with every interaction. Quicker, precise and smart responses can help enhance user service. 

3. Blockchain

With a market size of about USD 7-8 billion in 2022, approximately USD 67-69 billion by 2026, and around USD 163-164 billion by 2029, blockchain is already on its way to becoming even bigger! And we wouldn’t be surprised if it keeps growing beyond that. Of course, it is blockchain’s tangible benefits that fuel its growth.

So, what does blockchain do? It strengthens transactional security and streamlines transactions by eliminating the need for intermediaries. Further, it reduces intermediary costs and makes transactions more transparent than ever.

Web applications that frequently deal with transactions can benefit largely from the blockchain. It can make transactions more secure and efficient. 

4. Engaging Videos and Backgrounds

The way brands present their products and services matters. And to do so, nothing is as interactive and interesting as a video.

Thus, web applications are increasingly using engaging videos and moving backgrounds to make their web app appear livelier.

Now, how does it benefit companies with such web applications? 

It helps boost the conversion rate and enhance user loyalty. Thus, the web app becomes more productive.  

5. Real-Time Web Apps

Performant native web apps that perform in real-time are increasingly becoming a need. These applications seamlessly interact with the backend system and update in the browser without requiring the user to refresh the page.

Accordingly, developers leverage technologies like Node.JS to build real-time web apps featuring data analytics, instant messaging, etc.

Redefine Web Applications with Techcedence!

Are you looking to develop an incredibly powerful, scalable, and efficient web application for your business? Techcedence is the web app development company to partner with. Our extensive technology access, remarkable capabilities, and organized web app development process distinguish us from the rest.

Get a competent web application aligned with contemporary user needs, enriched with features and functionalities and equipped with the latest technologies. 

Choose Techcedence. Choose to succeed!

Email us at to learn more about our web app development capabilities and results.

Web App Development

A Beginners Guide to Web App Development 2022

Are you new to web app development but looking to develop a web application for your business? Then, this beginner’s guide to web app development (2022) from Techcedence, a trustworthy web app developer, can help!

It delves into various aspects of web app development, including the basic definition of a web application, web app development, multiple examples of web applications, and the benefits of web apps. In addition, it quickly runs through the web app development process to help you understand what you can expect while working with a web app development company.

What is a Web Application?

A web application is an interactive computer program developed with technologies like CSS, HTML, etc. It stores and manipulates data and is used by a team of multiple users or a single user to perform various tasks using the internet. Users can access web applications on browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.

Are web applications and websites the same? No. They aren’t. Web apps allow users to create, read, update and delete data. They are defined by their input. Whereas in the case of websites, it is their output that defines them. Websites can be used to read news, information, updates, etc., on a particular topic. 

What is Web Application Development?

Web application development refers to creating application programs that stay on remote servers and are delivered to users via the internet. You do not have to download and install a web app. Instead, you can access it through the internet. Developers can write most web applications in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Users can access the web through browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

Web Application Examples

You are surrounded by several web applications in your routine life. Some of them include the following.

  • Google Docs

Google Docs allows for creating and automatically saving documents. Although a web app, you can use it without the internet and sync it once the connection resumes. You can also access Google Docs from any device and operating system. 

  • Salesforce

Salesforce is a SaaS product. It is a CRM that offers various features like reports, tables, dashboards, etc. The use of Salesforce is associated with helping businesses find more prospects and close more deals. It helps teams work better and collaboratively. In addition, it enhances communication and steers success.

  • Mailchimp

You must have heard about Mailchimp. It is a marketing automation platform that specializes in email marketing. Mailchimp’s platform is a sophisticated web app with a stunning and interactive UI, simplifying the platform’s use. 

  • Netflix

Netflix is another popular web application. It is one of the world’s top video-streaming platforms that allows paying users to watch movies and various TV shows on demand. You can access Netflix across different operating systems and devices. The web application is also available as a mobile app.

Benefits of Web Application Development

Let’s look at five essential benefits of web app development for businesses.

  1. Multiple OS Compatibility: Users can access web apps across various operating systems. That allows you to broaden your user base without confining yourself to a single one.
  2. Easily Maintainable: Web apps are hosted on the web. Hence, updating it isn’t the user’s onus. It gets updated automatically, and that proves to be an essential factor contributing to an enhanced user experience.
  3. Better Business Organization: Web applications like CRM help companies organize their business better and easily yet securely access customer data. They help companies stay connected with their users and leverage business opportunities via a unified, customized system.
  4. High Customization Level: Web apps can be customized to your needs. It can mainly serve your business objectives and user needs. These capabilities can translate to better user experiences and, therefore, a higher chance of winning their business and trust in the long run.
  5. Increased Scalability: Bespoke web applications developed with the best web development companies also address scalability. These web apps grow as the business expands, thus preventing concerns like slow functioning, data management, etc.

Web Application Development Process

Experienced and expert web development companies follow a well-defined, thoughtful, and organized web application development process. 

While ensuring timely development, the process also focuses on driving value for the business and its users. The web app development process of every company may vary. But usually, it is the below that most follow. Connect with Techcedence for an in-depth understanding of the web app development process. 

  • Defining the problem and devising the solution that resolves it
  • Mapping the web app development workflow
  • Creating a prototype of the web application to examine its usefulness
  • Testing the prototype with potential users and receiving feedback
  • Working on feedback and iterating on the design until all parties are happy
  • Choosing tools, technologies, frameworks, and the development approach
  • Developing the web app, including its frontend, backend, and database
  • Testing the web application automatically or manually across various factors like functionality, compatibility, usability, performance, and security
  • Hosting the web app and deploying it

How do I Start Developing a Web Application?

Web app development is a specialized task. Thus, it requires experts who can ensure end-to-end assistance from consulting to customer support. Hiring web app developers allows you to focus on your core job and save considerable costs otherwise incurred in hiring an in-house web app development team. 

So, if you are looking to develop a web app for your business, Techcedence can help. Our proven track record, decades of cumulative experience, access to technologies, and unmatched proficiency in applying each makes us a standout. On the other hand, our results have helped us emerge as a distinguished web app development company for multiple business domains.

Please write to us at for a more fruitful and in-depth conversation about your project and our capabilities.

Web App Development

10 Best Web App Development Frameworks

Having a website for your business in today’s digital age has become a must. This extensive demand for web application development has led to the inception of many functional frameworks that are designed considering the modern business challenges to offer simple yet effective ways to design web applications.

Here are ten productive frameworks that are highly prevalent and are known to deliver best results:

1. React 

React is an open-source JavaScript library that can be used to build interactive user interfaces that would entice developers or businesses to use it for their frontend developments. If you want to build a dynamic web application or single-page application, React would be the better choice. React offers the best server-side rendering and excellent SEO support when compared to other frontend frameworks. 

2. Angular

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework which enables the development of high-performance and large-scale JavaScript based web applications. Angular has robust set of features and ability to work with cross-platform and client-side frameworks helps applications run smoothly on both the web and mobile platforms. 

3. Vue JS

Vue JS is a cutting-edge open-source JavaScript framework that is capable of creating stunning as well as interactive user interfaces. It is a progressive JavaScript framework that combines the best features of React.js and Angular.js. It is known as one of the best web development frameworks for building responsive web applications due to its simplicity and versatility. 

4. Ember JS

Ember JS is one of the most productive open-source JavaScript frameworks utilizing the MVVM paradigm. Ember is designed to maximize developer productivity either by eliminating time-wasting features or by implementing JS best practices in the core design. It is used to build single-page applications and dynamic client-side applications that can be extended by using general idioms and advanced practices. 

5. JQuery

JQuery an open-source, lightweight JavaScript library to help developers build robust web applications. It’s a small, fast JavaScript library that simplifies the interaction between HTML elements and JavaScript code. jQuery adheres to SEO-friendly practices, and there is no need to write extensive javascript code with JQuery since it’s simple and easy to use. 

6. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails or Rails is one of the most popular open-source backend web development frameworks based on Model-view-controller, emphasizing the use of some worthwhile and well-known software engineering patterns and paradigms like CoC (Convention Over Configuration), DRY (Don’t repeat yourself), and the active record pattern. Ruby on Rails is ideal for developing high-speed applications, and includes everything that is needed to build a database-driven application. 

7. Django

‘Django’ is a very popular, open source Python-based back-end web development framework that is gaining popularity among developers and enterprises for its easier to develop complex, highly scalable, and data-driven web applications. The framework is designed by experienced engineers, making it ideal for building API features like naive GraphQL integration. This framework can be used in any format, such as HTML, JSON, and XML. 

8. Laravel

Laravel is one of the most popular open-source backend frameworks written in PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), with its built-in API support and reasonable number of packages that could allow it to extend its capabilities. This top-notch framework caters to every segment be it building web applications for small and medium-sized companies or large multi-million dollar corporations. The primary purpose of Laravel is to make updating websites fun and simple, making it a popular choice among developers because of its great versatility, features, and execution. 


ASP.NET is a popular open-source web development framework that can be used to create dynamic web applications for PCs as well as mobile devices. The new version ASP.NET core is enticing developers and businesses around the world with its scalability, flexibility, and high performance features. It creates high-performing, secure, and modern web applications and it is compatible with JavaScript-based front-end frameworks as well.

10. Express

Express.js is an open-source, lightweight back-end framework for Node.js, designed to build web applications, mobile applications, and APIs. Its robust features and minimalistic capabilities have made it popular. Express is one of the best backend frameworks with features such as debugging, routing, and fast back-end programming. It also allows rapid development of Web applications based on Node.js. 

Web frameworks are extremely crucial elements in software development processes. Each of them has its unique set of capabilities and limitations, and that’s why, depending on the project requirement, each one of them will provide you with the best outcome for your project. 

If you are confused about which one to choose for your project, or are looking for a firm that can offer you web development services or web developers for the above frameworks, Techcedence is what you need. Get in touch with us for more details.

Web App Development

How to choose a technology stack for web application development?

Choosing the technology stack is the first step for successful web application development. Organizations should spend time and effort in selecting the right technology stack for building a web application. 

A technology stack is a combination of tools, programming languages and frameworks used by developers to build an application. In short, it is a collection of software used for web development.

Web application development involves front end development and back-end development. The front end is where the user interacts with the application and back-end refers to the server-side of the application that communicates user requests to the server.

Technologies for front-end Web application development include:

Front end development involves three primary coding languages that can be used to build a basic web application.

  • HTML – Hypertext Markup Language used for describing the structure of displayed content
  • CSS – Cascading Style Sheet used to describe the style of content.
  • Javascript – used to make web application dynamic and interactive through animations, forms and visuals.

In addition to these, there are some open-source Javascript frameworks that are taking over the front end development which includes React JS, Angular JS, Vue JS, and jQuery.

React JS is the most trending technology for front end development. React JS is a flexible Javascript library as it enables faster UI development using reusable components. It can be integrated with external libraries like jQuery.

Angular JS is the preferred framework for creating interactive and dynamic web applications. It supports MVC programming structure and two-way data binding which makes it unique.

Vue.js is a progressive Javascript framework for building web interfaces and one-page applications. It is easily adaptable and helps to build robust and reliable applications.

jQuery is a feature-rich Javascript library. It has a collection of plugins and makes front end development easier with ready to use elements like a countdown timer, auto-complete functions.

Technologies for back end Web application development include:

The challenge lies in selecting the technologies for back-end development. Though it is not visible to the user, it defines the logic and allows the user to perform actions and interact with the application. The back-end is developed using server-side programming languages.

Back end technologies consist of an operating system, web server, framework, server-side programming language, and the database. Some of the popular programming languages for back-end development include Ruby, Python, PHP, Javascript, and .NET. Databases include MongoDB and MySQL. Some of the frameworks include Ruby on Rails, Flask, Django, Swift or Objective-C. The most popular web servers include Apache, Nginx, etc.


Middleware acts as a communication interface between the front end and back-end. It performs tasks such as parsing and authentication.

Things to consider when choosing a Technology Stack

Users without a strong technical background will find it difficult in choosing the technology stack for their application. Here are some factors that will help users to select the right stack.

Project complexity – The first step in choosing the technology stack is to analyze the size and complexity of the application to be developed.  Applications can be small, mid-range or complex projects. Understanding the requirement makes it easy to choose the right technology stack.

Scalability – The selected technology stack should support application growth in the future. The application can grow in terms of the number of users or add more processes and functionality. Developers should select a flexible technology stack that supports the growth of the application.

Maintainability – The application should be easily maintainable. If the code is lengthy, it becomes complicated to process the code. So, select technologies that are easily maintainable and can be updated easily.

Cost – Some of the tools and frameworks are free and open-source while some require a license cost. Depending on the features and usability of the software, opt for technologies that will reduce the software development cost.

Team’s expertise – Team’s expertise on the tools and technologies has to be considered while deciding on the technology stack. The team must be experienced in the technologies to develop a quality application within the deadline.

Project-based – Don’t choose a technology stack used for previous projects. Each project requirement is unique and technology components that proved successful for one project may not be relevant for another.

Ability to process data – If the project deals with loads of data, the application should be designed to handle the load. Select a programming language that can balance heavy loads of data.

Development time – The selected technology stack should facilitate faster development and reduce development time. The faster an application is developed the cheaper the development cost.

Security – Cyberattack is the biggest threat to online applications. Make sure that the technology stack you are considering is not vulnerable to security threats.

Some of the commonly used tech stacks are .NET stack, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), MEAN (MongoDB, Express js, Angular js and Node js) and Ruby on Rails.

Advantages of choosing the right technology stack

Choosing the right technology stack is important for any business and offers numerous benefits:

  • The software product will be robust
  • Faster time to market
  • Less maintenance cost
  • Easy to fix bugs and enhance the product

Selecting a technology stack can be a challenge. A wrong choice of a technology stack may result in project failure.

Discuss with our experts who can help you decide on the right technology stack for your product based on your business requirements and budget.

Web App Development

What Makes an Effective e-Commerce Website

Over the years, there is a steady increase in online selling. More and more businesses are adding an e-commerce website to their physical store to sell products online.  An effective e-commerce website should have certain features and functionalities for better user experience and to increase sales. Here are some things to keep in mind prior to designing an online store.

Identify your customers

Understanding the Demographics of the target customer is an important aspect of site design. Numerous variables like age gender, education qualification, location are analyzed to know the shopper and learn their behavior. This data plays a paramount role in designing the product pages, structuring the layout and defining the check out process.

Mobile friendly

There is an increasing number of online shoppers from mobile devices rather than from desktop or laptop. The e-commerce site should be a responsive website keeping mobile users in mind. All functionalities of the e-commerce site should be tested on mobile devices to ensure they are functioning properly.

Every second count

A site that loads faster is the most preferred by end-users. A delay of more than two seconds in loading time increases the bounce rate. The site should be optimized to reduce the loading time. Site speed is directly proportional to the conversion rate.

Easy to navigate

The site should be designed and structured well to facilitate easy navigation around the products and categories. The design should be in line with end-user searches. The design team and the client should discuss how the products should be categorized.  The site layout should be based on product categories.  The categories should be clickable and there should be filters to allow advance searches.


Utmost importance should be given to list policy information about product return and exchange at a prominent place on the website. The policy should be easy to find and listed in layman terms for easy understanding.


To gain customer trust, an e-commerce website needs to be secure. Keeping customer information and their shopping preferences confidential and providing secure payment gateway are some ways to gain trust.

Seamless checkout

Customers tend to leave the site if they face hurdles during a checkout. The site should provide all functionalities for a seamless checkout experience. The checkout screen should clearly show the items in the cart and should allow editing till the last minute of checkout. The site should remember customer information and prefill information wherever required. For the first time quick shoppers, the site should allow check out as a guest.

Design matters

It is incredibly important that an e-commerce website design should be visually appealing and engaging to the users. Simple design elements and clutter-free design is essential to make a first impression.

Product images

The product images should be good enough to make an impression on the buyer. A gallery of images can be added for each product. The image size should be optimized without compromising on quality to reduce the load time. Some products are best explained through a video.

Product descriptions

Clear product description and specification helps to avoid return due to incorrect purchase.


The e-commerce website should provide secure payment options and make it seamless for customers to complete a transaction. Customers expect all possible payment options like credit cards, debit cards, internet banking, and digital payment platform.


Do ample user testing to ensure that the site functions as required. Test the site across all devices and all browsers.

Each business is unique. We listen to your needs and understand your business.  Our developers have experience in various e-commerce platforms like Magento and Shopify. We have expertise in designing exceptional e-commerce websites for different markets.

If you are looking for e-commerce website design services get in touch with us today.