Mobile App Development

Cross Platform Mobile Application Development

Mobile apps are considered mandatory for businesses like banking, car rental and eCommerce. Android and iOS are the most widely used mobile platforms. For better reach, a mobile application should run on both Android and iOS mobile devices.

Developing a mobile application can be done in two ways. Either develop an app individually for each platform – iOS and Android. Alternatively, develop a common app that can run on different platforms.

Cross-platform development refers to the creation of a mobile application that can run on multiple mobile operating systems. Cross-platform apps are developed using common technologies like HTML, Javascript, .NET and CSS.  The advantage of having a cross-platform app is it is easier to develop a single code base common to multiple platforms, quicker development time and it is cost-effective. Because of these advantages, the cross-platform framework is a preferred choice among small and large enterprises.

Cross-platform apps can be deployed on Google and Apple play store.

Cross-Platform Mobile Framework

To build a cross-platform mobile app requires a mobile app development framework. Though there are many options available, some of the popular frameworks include:


It is an open-source framework to develop cross-platform applications for web, iOS, and Android using a single code base. Ionic is built on Angular JS technologies and allows the developer to use HTML5, CSS and Javascript. It takes less time, resources and effort to develop cross-platform applications using IonicJS. Another advantage of using Ionic JS is that it uses plugins allowing developers to create feature-rich mobile applications.  Ionic framework is the choice of developers aiming to create cross-platform applications without compromising quality.


  • Open source and Free
  • Less development time and effort
  • Built on Angular JS
  • Integrates seamlessly with native functionality


  • Less secure
  • Not suitable to build complex apps

React Native 

React Native created by Facebook uses javascript framework. Coding is easier as a single javascript code can be used for both iOS and Android platforms. This reduces development time and effort. The framework also supports reusing inbuilt components. Apps developed using React Native can easily integrate with existing mobile applications like GPS.


  • The open-source platform allows the integration of plugins.
  • Allows code reusability between platforms
  • Performance as good as a native app


  • Javascript does not support decimals. So this framework will not be suitable to develop an app that requires mathematical computations.


Flutter is a mobile app SDK by Google to develop applications for Android and iOS. This open-source platform recently launched in 2018 allows building highly interactive interfaces. A single codebase can be used for both iOS and Android development. This dart based framework comes with a library of widgets and tools. It supports Hot Reload which means any changes to the code can be seen immediately on the app.


  • Free and open source
  • App development with Flutter takes very less time
  • The widgets can be used to develop a visually attractive interface


  • Though Google provides libraries, some of the functions have to be built which is time-consuming.


Xamarin is based on the .NET framework and provided by Microsoft. It uses C# to create mobile apps. The code can be reused between iOS and Android applications. Xamarin can be used to develop user-friendly apps within less time. Updates and maintenance are made easier in Xamarin by updating the source file which is reflected on iOS and Android apps.


  • The same level of performance as in the native app.


  • It comes with license cost.
  • Xamarin based apps can occupy more space and takes more download time


PhoneGap by Adobe is another popular cross-platform development tool. It is an open-source framework that allows developers to create mobile applications using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. It allows creating app for different platforms using a single code base.


  • It gives access to device hardware such as camera, geolocation and accelerometer
  • Easy to develop as web developers need not have extra skills.


  • The performance of the application can be a little less when compared to native app.
  • It does not have enough UI widgets resulting in more development time.

A framework is an important tool for building a mobile application. Each framework has its own advantages. Depending on the requirement you can select the appropriate framework for developing the application.

If your business has end-users from both iOS and Android devices, it would be ideal to opt for hybrid apps. Techcedence has expertise in developing native and hybrid mobile applications and our experts can assist you in deciding on the best app development for your business.

Software Testing

Automated Testing

Automated testing is a software testing method where an automated tool is used to test the software application and compare the actual and expected outcome. In the case of large projects, testing all the functionalities manually becomes tedious and in some scenarios, testing has to be repeated numerous times during development to ensure quality, this is where automation comes in. Automation replaces a series of manual testing tasks and involves automating the creation of test cases and execution of those test cases. Automated testing can also be used to test the application for load and performance. As it is impossible to automate all testing activities, it is important to identify the set of tasks that needs to be automated.

Advantages of automated testing

  • Testing can be repeated any number of times with no additional cost.
  • Brings efficiency in testing.
  • Reduces testing time.
  • Early detection of defects saves cost.
  • Automated testing is reliable. It brings actual results all the time.
  • Very useful to test repetitive tasks.
  • Complicated applications can be tested at ease.
  • Test results are precise and error-free.
  • Test scripts can be reused.
  • Increases the coverage of testing.
  • Automation testing is comprehensive and covers more functionality.
  • Automated testing can run without manual intervention.
  • Possible to simulate hundreds of virtual users during a performance test.

Deciding between manual and automation testing depends on the application to be tested. For instance, Testing an application for usability is best done manually. For GUI based applications, manual testing will be the best option whereas for a data-driven application automated testing will work best. There are some applications that require both manual and automation testing.

Automation in testing can be achieved through testing tools. Testing tools can be open source or commercial solutions.  Testing tools comes with numerous functionalities and capabilities and finalizing the tool is an important phase of the testing cycle. There are many popular testing tools that include Selenium, Katalon Studio, UFT, Test Complete, SoapUI, Apache JMeter and Postman. As automated testing is tool dependent, you need to choose the right tool that meets your project needs. The testing team should possess good knowledge about the testing tool and its features.

Things to keep in mind while selecting a tool

  • Does the selected tool best meet your project requirements?
  • Is the tool within your budget?
  • Does the tool support different types of test?
  • Does it have reporting capability?
  • Does it work on various platforms like web, mobile and desktop?

Testing that can be automated include:

Load – Automation proves beneficial in case of load testing. The testing tool can simulate thousands of virtual users and analyze the performance of the application

Smoke Testing – After each build, a quick automated test is done to review the code and find defects at an earlier stage.

Regression Testing – An automated tool is used to test the functional and non-functional aspects of the software after the software is updated.

Unit Testing – Automated testing is done at the source code level where the smallest piece of code is tested.

Integration Testing – Combine the unit tested modules and check if the interfaces and interactions between modules are functioning properly.

Functional Testing – Automated Testing to check the user interface and how the application functions.

Automated testing will reduce the development time and has many benefits when implemented properly. Seek expert advice and make an informed decision about the right testing method for your project.


Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Businesses today are leveraging cutting-edge mobile technology to streamline their business operations and stay connected. Enterprise mobility solutions are required to grow business substantially in this digital era. ‘Enterprise Mobility’ refers to automating your business processes through mobile devices and encouraging employees to complete the task anywhere and anytime.

The Enterprise mobility market is expected to see tremendous growth in 2020. The enterprise mobility solution connects employees, suppliers and customers through a single platform and enhances business opportunities. To reap maximum benefits, the enterprise mobility solution should be aligned with your business goals. UX is critical to the success of enterprise mobile application. When developing an application utmost importance is given to user experience. More and more organizations have started investing in feature-rich enterprise mobile apps to redefine their business.

How Enterprise Mobility can benefit your business?

Mobilizing your business can bring in the following advantages:

  • Increase employee productivity
  • Optimize business operations
  • Expand the business outreach
  • Accessible anywhere anytime.
  • Improved communication
  • Improved customer service
  • Real-time access to data
  • Increased ROI

Prior to implementing Enterprise Mobility Solutions, analysis is done to evaluate the need for mobility solutions.

  • Present mobile capabilities of the organization
  • Effect of mobility on the employees and clients
  • Feasibility study to check if the business functions can be mobilized
  • End-user analysis
  • Risks and threats associated with implementing a mobility solution
  • Business goals to be achieved

While Organizations are in need of enterprise mobility solutions, they face challenges in transforming their idea into reality. If your organization is willing to explore the mobile solution to run the day-to-day business, it would be ideal to bring experts to implement the transformation.

How to develop enterprise mobility solutions?

  • Identify the requirements of the organization
  • Outline an approach
  • Identify the technology platform
  • Decide between the native and cross-platform approach
  • Develop the application
  • Test on different devices
  • Deploy the solution and launch it on the app store

Our Expertise in Enterprise Mobility Solution

Techcedence has the expertise and skill set in consulting, design and development of enterprise mobility solutions. We adopt a strategic approach to deliver mobility services. Our team of mobile experts has built innovative mobile solutions across different verticals that include Travel, Healthcare, Real Estate, Retail, and Logistics. Our advanced mobile solutions are functionally rich, user-friendly and improve productivity.  

Get in touch with us to develop a mobile strategy for your business requirements.

Software Testing

A Beginners Guide to Test Automation Framework

A testing framework is a combination of practices and tools designed to provide a foundation for test automation. Test automation uses software to run the test cases and check the actual and predicted outcome. The Test automation framework is an execution environment for running automated test scripts.

A test automation framework is important for effective and efficient automated testing. It provides reusable components like utilities and libraries and helps the QA team to test effectively in a shorter time frame.

Advantages of a test automation framework

There are many advantages of using a test automation framework. It accelerates script development and execution. It primarily saves time and cost and makes it easy for the QA team to adopt standard practices.

  • Reusable code
  • Low maintenance
  • Less manual intervention
  • Increased test coverage
  • Reliable and consistent
  • Efficiency and accuracy
  • Easy analysis of results

Types of Test Automation Framework

There are different types of test automation framework available.

  • Linear automation Framework
  • Modular Testing Framework
  • Data-Driven Testing Framework Keyword Driven Testing Framework
  • Hybrid Testing Framework
  • Library Architecture Testing Framework
  • Linear automation Framework

This is a basic level test automation framework that operates in a linear fashion. The tester records each step and plays the script to execute the test in linear order. This framework is suitable for testing small-sized applications.

  • Modular Testing Framework

In this model, the testers divide the entire application into multiple modules and test scripts are created module wise. This framework is commonly referred to as a module-based framework. The individual test scripts are combined to build a larger test using a master script. The master script invokes the modules to run test scenarios.

  • Data Driven Testing Framework

The Data-driven framework allows creating test scripts for different sets of test data. All possible inputs and expected outcomes are kept in data files. This framework comes handy when functionality has to be tested for different set of inputs. The test framework provides input through external files such as Excel sheets, MS Access tables, SQL Database, XML files and observes test outcomes.

  • Keyword Driven Testing Framework

This framework is similar to a data-driven testing framework. In this model, keywords or action words for each function are defined in table format. Test scripts are created based on the keywords.

  • Hybrid Testing Framework

This framework is a combination of the above frameworks. It can be customized to the project needs and it leverages the benefits of all associated frameworks.

  • Library Architecture Testing Framework

This is similar to the modular testing framework. Instead of dividing the application based on test scripts it is split based on common functions. These functions are placed in a library that can be accessed by test scripts.

This article briefs about popular testing frameworks used for automation testing. The testing framework should be scalable and application independent. It is helpful when a team of developers is programming different modules of an application. A standard framework will help developers to adopt a common approach towards automation.


Field Service Application and its Advantages

Field Service Management refers to managing resources involved in the installation and servicing of equipment. In Field Service Management, Managers are under constant pressure to meet customer expectations, monitor the work done by service technicians and provide insightful data to management. Scheduling and dispatching service executives based on their availability is also cumbersome. Technicians / Service executives are also in need of tools to ease their work in the field. Getting the right information at the right time can improve their productivity. The service team requires access to real-time data to address customer queries and provide better service. Challenges faced by technicians on the field include lack of access to information about the customer and previous work order, delay in getting approval from supervisors, sending instant updates about the job status. This article briefs how a field service software accelerates business productivity.

What is Field Service Management Software?

Any Organization that deploys technicians to the client site can make use of Field Service Software. The software can assist your sales team to spend more time selling and have better communication with the customer. The application is conveniently installed on the technician’s mobile device. The application is integrated with back-office and technicians get access to customer history.

A field service application automates and manages end-to-end field service operations. The software aligns the service operation in line with your business goals. The software enables to effectively manage your workforce and schedule tasks.  A good field service application allows Managers and Supervisors to spend less time monitoring the service operations on the field.

The goal of any business is to provide better customer service. A field service software helps to achieve higher customer satisfaction and customer retention. The software helps in effective work order scheduling by quickly assigning tickets based on the technician’s skill set, availability and current location. It reduces the delay in addressing customer tickets. It also allows the rescheduling of tickets if the customer / technician is not available and reduces downtime. The software allows managing the inventory of equipment and spare parts used while servicing.

Customer Portal

The FSM application comes with a customer portal that can be installed on both Android and iOS devices. The portal allows customers to register a service request, view invoices, AMC and warranty details and make an online payment.

The FSM application is also integrated with call center operations allowing quick scheduling of tickets.

Advantages to the technicians

  • Effective work planning for the day
  • Assign tickets for the day
  • Access to information from anywhere
  • Improved communication between customer and technician
  • Get Reminders and notifications
  • Automates billing
  • Captures Digital Signature

Benefits to the Organization

  • Optimized task scheduling
  • Higher Return on Investment
  • Fully automated invoicing and billing
  • Real-time Analytics
  • Instant updates on the job status
  • Speedy Issue Resolution
  • Improved Customer Service
  • Effective scheduling of tickets
  • Reduces downtime /unproductive time
  • Easy Inventory Management
  • Dashboards and analytics
  • Reports on service team performance
  • Reports on Service History
  • Insights for better decision making
  • Integration with ERP

There are many FSM software available in the market. But one size doesn’t fit all. Finding the right field service application can be challenging.

If you are looking for a field service management software that can be customized for your business, contact us today.


Custom Software or Off the Shelf – Decide what is right for you

Deciding between custom software and off the shelf software is a key business decision for any organization. Each option has its own merits and drawbacks. You have to weigh them carefully before deciding what is beneficial for your business.

Off the shelf

An Off the shelf (or bespoke) software refers to products that are readily available in the market. It comes handy and requires less set up time. They are designed for a broader audience so they will have numerous features all of which might not be useful to your business. The off the shelf product may not have certain functionalities that your business demands. Some vendors provide options to customize the product based on your requirements.


  • Quick set up – can be implemented straight away
  • Free trials – you can try them for free
  • Discussion forum – you can get answers from user forums for queries
  • Low upfront cost – initial set up cost is low
  • Regular upgrades available


  • License cost – you have to buy the product
  • High maintenance cost – upgrades, changes, and support comes with additional cost
  • Ownership – you don’t own the source code
  • Lacks Scalability – it is not easy to modify the product
  • Missing features – it may not have all elements required by your business
  • Compatibility issue – it might conflict with your current system

Custom software

Be it a shoe or a dress we all know one size doesn’t fit all. An off the shelf software might be readily available but it might not help your business plan in the long run. Custom software is designed exactly to match your requirements and overcomes the shortcomings of an off the shelf product. It might come with a higher initial cost but it requires no license and upgradation is easy as you own the source code.  Most of the custom applications are user-friendly as they don’t have redundant functionalities. A well-built custom application can be better than any commercial off the shelf product.


  • Tailor-made – customized for your business
  • Ownership – you get ownership of the product
  • Expandable – flexible, can scale up with changing needs of your business
  • Maintenance and support – easy to get technical assistance from the development team
  • Secured – security aspects of the application can be designed to your choice
  • Integration – easier to integrate with other systems
  • An advantage over your competitors who use same off the shelf product


  • Cost – Higher initial cost as it is done exclusively for you but has a long term gain
  • Time – It definitely takes time to build custom software.

The risk involved in building a custom software might be addressed by choosing an organization who has ample expertise in developing custom applications. Weighing the pros and cons and keeping your long term business goal in mind decide on the right option.

Get in touch with us for any questions you may have regarding custom software development.


Cyber Security

Cyber Security refers to the protection of data, network, servers and mobile devices from unauthorized access. It is important for any Organization including bank, Government, healthcare, and manufacturing sector to protect data stored on their system and information transmitted over the network from malicious attacks. Cyber attacks are targeting data related to national security, finance, health care records, business, and personal information.

Effective cyber security should take care of all the elements below:

  • Network security refers to securing a computer network from malware or targeted attacks. A network that is not secure is vulnerable to attacks.
  • Cloud security refers to the protection of data, application, infrastructure, and anything stored on the cloud from theft and deletion.
  • Database security refers to protecting databases, database management systems from external attacks.
  • Infrastructure security refers to protecting the communication center, IT center from targeted or random threats.
  • Application security refers to protecting software applications from security threats to avoid data theft.
  • Information security refers to protecting the integrity and privacy of data.  A cyberattack can target confidential or sensitive information.

Some of the common cyber threats include:

Malware – these are malicious software programs designed to gain unauthorized access to a person’s computer and cause damage. Malware can steal data, login information or crash your system. Some types of malware include spyware, adware, Trojan horse, viruses and worms.

Ransomware – it is also a form of malware that gains access to a system, restrict user access or encrypts the data and demands a ransom. The user cannot log in to their device or access the data unless they pay the ransom. Ransomware attacks target individuals and organizations through phishing emails or free downloads. Some ransomware examples include WannaCry and GoldenEye.

Measures to combat Cyber Threat

Awareness – The most common reason for a cyberattack is due to lack of awareness among users. Failing to adopt good security practices makes a system vulnerable. It is essential to impart knowledge on various security measures to users like deleting suspicious email attachments or files, installing security software, updating devices with security patches, taking back up of files regularly, trusting URLs with ‘https’.

Avoid Ransomware attack – Never open an email from untrusted sources. Pay extra caution if the attachment instructs to enable a macro. If you become a victim of a ransomware attack, never pay the ransom as the chance of getting back your data is very less. Instead, contact the internet security vendor for a suitable decryption tool.

Mitigate the risk of cyber attacks – It is essential to train employees on secure handling of information to maintain a high level of security. An organization should educate employees about security threats, password policies and the need for updating antivirus software through seminars and sessions. Another approach to mitigate cyberattacks is through firewall and proxy server which will block unsecured websites.

Disaster Recovery – Every Organization should have a disaster recovery policy in place. The disaster recovery plan should define how the organization will respond to a cyber attack and restore its operation to ensure business continuity. Companies should take data back up at regular intervals to avoid losing vital business information. It is important to stay ahead and keep track of the latest security threats and new security settings.

Hope this article gives you insights into cybersecurity and how to avoid becoming a victim of a cyber attack.


Web Development Framework

A Web Development Framework refers to a structure used to develop web applications. The framework comprises a set of tools and resources to build your application faster. The framework eases the development work by providing a foundation to build a content management system. It provides libraries and functions that can help to develop applications instead of writing the code from scratch.

There are many frameworks available to develop web applications. A web application has two parts – front end and back-end. While front end refers to interactive components on the website, back end refers to database and storage. There are frameworks available for both the front end and back-end development. You can pick the right one by weighing the pros and cons.

Backend Framework


Laravel is a PHP framework and is suitable for developers who have knowledge in HTML, Core PHP, and Advance PHP. The advantage of a PHP framework is that it allows rapid development of web applications. Laravel is a free, open-source framework that provides functions for caching, session and authentication. It provides a secured framework and helps to protect the application from malware and security threats.


Express is a NodeJS framework that can help in developing server-side web applications. The advantages of this framework is it is free, open-source, simple, flexible and scalable and can develop web applications faster. Express is used by IBM and Uber.


Django is a MVC framework that uses Python for rapid web development. This framework is free and open source. It is used by Google, Youtube and Instagram. The main advantage of this framework is that it comes with batteries included features that provide authentication, URL routing, and messaging features. Django’s performance keeps increasing and it provides an online forum and discussion group that can help in troubleshooting.


Ruby on Rails is an extremely efficient framework. It is used to develop applications 10 times faster than java framework. This framework is a friendly and supportive framework for beginners.

Applications developed using this framework include Airbnb and Shopify.


Spring is a Java framework. It is often considered a lightweight framework as it uses the Plain Old Java Object (POJO). It provides modularity allowing developers to choose packages and classes of their choice. The downside is that the spring framework has 2400 classes which might be complicated for the developer. This framework requires developers to have XML knowledge.

Frontend Framework


Angular is Typescript based framework provided by Google. It is used to develop high-performance web applications for both mobile and web platforms. It is ideally used to build complex applications and considered superior among other Javascript frameworks. Angular has lots of handy tools and features like static typing, interfaces, namespaces, and classes which make development process faster and easier. There are some challenges in using the Angular framework. As Angular is built using TypeScript, the developers need to be familiar with Typescript which is a superset of Javascript. 

React JS

React JS is not exactly a framework but a front end library developed by Facebook. It is used to develop both client or server-side.

React is a Javascript framework developed by Facebook. It is the wide choice of developers to build an interactive user interface and single page web applications. The advantages of using React is it is open source and has an active community. It is a Javascript library and supports code reusability and one side data binding.


Bootstrap is a front end framework used to build responsive web and mobile-friendly websites. This open-source framework by Twitter uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This framework has good community support and provides continual fixes and releases. It offers templates, WordPress themes, and plugins that help to develop dynamic web pages faster.


Ember is among the best Javascript framework and it is gaining popularity as it gets updated with new features and releases. It is widely used by developers to build single-page web applications. It is used by Google, Microsoft and Netflix. It uses MVC architecture and has lots of features to increase developers’ productivity. It is the heaviest framework and not suitable for smaller projects.


Backbone is a frontend Javascript framework used to build client-side applications. Backbone library provides the functionality to build a design with fewer lines of code. It is a free open source library that provides views, models, and events to build an application.

In short, a development framework can ease the work for developers and help to speed the development process.


Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest technology used in everyday life. In the digital world we live in, IoT has a major role to play in making our life easier and smarter. It is behind many applications that we are using today. It offers smart devices to automate things at work and at home.

This blog briefs about what is IoT and some of its applications and the future of IoT.

What is Internet of Things (IoT)?

Internet of Things refers to a network of objects connected to the Internet and can transfer data without any human intervention. The objects can be any physical device beyond computers and smartphones which can sense and communicate with each other. Some examples of objects include car, light bulb, thermostat, gate, etc.

Connecting devices helps to automate manual tasks at home or in office. Smart homes and Smart City are possible through IoT. Some typical examples of IoT in a smart home are a gate that opens when the car arrives, a door that unlocks automatically, thermostat inside the house adjusted to preferred room temperature and light that goes on sensing the movement of door. These devices can also be operated remotely. For example, you can turn off the lights at home while you are at your office desk using your smart phone.

It is widely used in factories and warehouses to automate production or deal with logistics.

How IoT Works

The IoT architecture comprises of sensor-enabled devices with internet connectivity. The devices communicate with each other through the sensors. The devices collect data through the sensors and the data is sent to the IoT Platform(cloud).  Bluetooth or Wi-Fi is required to transmit data from devices to Cloud. The data is analyzed and triggers action based on data found. The action can be anything like adjusting the temperature of the ac, switching on a light bulb or notifying the user on his mobile app. The devices are automated and perform these actions without any manual intervention.

Uses of IoT

The Internet of Things is changing the world we live in a smart place. Here are some of the applications of IoT across different industries.

Smart Homes: Smart homes make it possible to remotely monitor your residence for lighting, heating and security. Smart cameras allow monitoring your home while you are away travelling. Smart locks can detect owners and unlock the door automatically. Plants can be watered at regular intervals and Cars can drive you to work. Other smart devices that can be automated to make your life easier include fridge, laundry machines, thermostats, and even coffee machines.

Smart Offices: Smart Offices has a number of devices connected to each other and manages operations automatically. The conference room temperature is adjusted based on the number of people, lighting goes on and off through a motion sensor resulting in energy savings.

Smart Farming: IoT is used in farming to analyze the environmental condition, to monitor the field for moisture, humidity, temperature and automates irrigation. The application of IoT in farming will help to improve production and predict yield.

Smart Warehouse: IoT enables complete warehouse automation by tracking the movement of items, monitoring inventory and avoiding picking error. A Smart warehouse uses devices, drones, sensors and RFID. Robots are employed for picking, putaway and truck loading without human intervention.

Smart Health monitoring system: IoT finds its use in remote health monitoring and can act as a life-saving system. It can monitor the health condition and trigger notifications when there is any change in the body functions of the patient.

Future of Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things has a promising future across healthcare, manufacturing, production, and agriculture. Research shows that by 2025 around 75 billion devices will be connected to IoT worldwide.

According to a study, global spending on IoT hardware and software is expected to be $1trillion in 2022. Cities will rely on IoT to bring in smart infrastructure. Cities will be monitored with surveillance cameras and IoT sensors, traffic can be monitored remotely and security can be enhanced and the world will be a better place.


Understanding Scrum Methodology

Scrum is one of the popular agile framework widely used by software development teams to manage product development. Scrum methodology adopts a structured approach to project management.

Although scrum is one of the agile process frameworks and shares certain principles and practices of Agile, it is distinguished by certain concepts and detailed software development practices. Scrum is all about continuous improvement, where it follows an iterative approach and work is delivered at regular intervals known as sprints. The team delivers the product as increments at the end of each sprint.

The components of a scrum framework include product owner, scrum master and a team.

The Product owner refers to the key stakeholder of the project who is responsible for product development and delivering the desired outcome. He has a clear understanding of the requirement and is responsible for managing the sprint and accepting the completed sprints. Scrum master is a scrum expert who oversees the project and offers guidance to the team. He is a facilitator between the product owner and the team and ensures that the development team follows scrum practices. The development team follows scrum practices and is equipped with the skills to deliver increments. The team has no leaders to delegate tasks and each member of the team is part of product development.

Here are some terminologies used in Scrum lifecycle –

  • Product Backlog – The product owner creates a backlog which is a list of tasks to be accomplished in a specific order.
  • Increment – Sum of all product backlog since the previous release.
  • Sprint – A time frame usually with a duration of 1 to 4 weeks to accomplish an increment.
  • Sprint Planning – Plan the work to be completed in the current sprint by taking a task from the backlog and fix a time length to complete it.
  • Scrum meeting – Daily meetings of no more than 15 minutes to discuss the progress made by each team member on the previous day and what is the work to be accomplished for the day.
  • Sprint Review – Once the sprint is completed, the work done is reviewed. The sprint is considered to be complete only when it is submitted to the customer.  
  • Definition of Done -Each scrum team has a Definition of Done which refers to acceptance criteria to check if an increment has been completed and ready for release.

Scrum Project Management

Scrum addresses shortfalls in the traditional waterfall process which results in constant changing requirements. The scrum process is iterative, unlike the waterfall process which is consecutive. Scrum development breaks down the project into several sprints and daily scrum meeting and inspection ensures that each sprint delivery meets customer expectations. Any discrepancy is detected early and is fixed before moving onto the next sprint.

Scrum Framework

Scrum project phases include:

  • Initiate the project by forming a scrum team and building a product backlog.
  • The planning phase includes sprint planning and estimating the tasks.
  • The Implementation phase includes daily scrum meetings and execution of tasks.
  • The Development team builds the product as an increment.
  • The sprint review is conducted by giving a demo of the increment to the stakeholders for review.
  • The sprint retrospective is done to determine what needs to be improved in terms of tools and practices in project development.
  • The increment is evaluated according to the criteria specified in ‘Definition of Done’.
  • In the release phase, the increment is delivered to the customer.

The above process is repeated until the product development is completed.

The scrum methodology brings in transparency in work accomplished and progress made by the team.

Advantages of Scrum methodology

Adopting scrum methodology brings in the following benefits to the team:

  • Improved communication
  • Transparency in project progress
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Quality end products
  • Save time, resources and cost
  • Scrum can be tailored to organizations need

I hope this article gives a basic understanding of the Scrum process and can help implement scrum practices in your organization.