Mobile App Development

How to Hire a Mobile App Development Company in the USA?

You know why mobile applications are crucial for your business. That’s precisely why you are looking to develop one and searching for a mobile app development company in the US. Global accessibility, expedited sales process, increased user engagement, and augmented business revenue are a few known benefits. 

But while acknowledging the importance of mobile apps, you must also look for a credible mobile app development company. So, how do you hire one? From the east to the west coast, you will find thousands of mobile app development companies. It could be overwhelming dealing with as many options. So, here are some factors to look at while hiring a mobile app development company in the USA.

5 Factors to Consider While Hiring a Mobile App Development Company in the US

Vendors and partners also play a significant role in your business’s success. Thus, for something as vital as a mobile app, assess a company on the below factors.

1. Mobile App Development Services

There’s no set criterion or benchmark for mobile app development services in the US. The more, the better. But fundamentally, every mobile app development company should have services including iOS app development, Android app development, native app development, cross-platform app development, PWA app development, IoT app development, etc. In addition, services like mobile app maintenance and upgrades are desirable to serve as a one-stop destination. 

2. Technical and Customization Capabilities

Technical capabilities include assessing the company’s technology stack, proven proficiencies in using various technologies, the ability to customize the mobile app, and the capabilities to modify features and functionalities beyond the project’s scope. 

Some technologies, from the viewpoint of efficient and effective mobile app development, include Java, Xamarin, Swift, iOS, Android, Ionic, Flutter, Kotlin, Python, etc. Additionally, also review the company’s app development methodologies. A few include Agile, Scrum, Kanban, and Waterfall.

3. Mobile App Development Process

For you, as the mobile app’s user, results will matter more than anything else. But you cannot ignore the process either. It is because the mobile app’s process significantly drives its results and success. Usually, every mobile app development company has five to six key phases that include conceptualizing (brainstorming), strategy making, analyzing the project’s needs, planning, designing, developing, testing, and launching.

There could be variations to varying degrees. But in a nutshell, it is these process that mobile app companies generally follow to deliver results.

4. Communication Protocols and Exit Options

Having merely technical experts doesn’t help. You need professionals capable of driving the project. Communication is an essential aspect in this regard. Accordingly, you must review the communication channels and protocols of the prospective mobile app development company. In addition, you should check out the company’s data security standards and practices to keep your data and project details secure.

Another essential aspect is reviewing exit options. In some unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances, if you wish to opt-out of the project or contract, exiting from the project shouldn’t impede your plans or cause a monetary roadblock. So, you must look at the project’s exit terms and conditions to check they don’t prove a challenge for you later.

Honesty and transparency are crucial to entering and exiting a particular contract. These factors should form part of your criteria for selecting a mobile app development company. 

5. Portfolio and Customer Feedback

A company’s portfolio speaks for its capabilities and experience. Make it a point to check it. Have your team review the various mobile apps the prospective vendor has developed. It will help you understand their competencies and verify if they are substantial enough to be considered for a choice.

While assessing the company’s real-time capabilities via its portfolio, check customer feedback. Don’t merely depend on online reviews and ratings. Connect with the company’s past and existing customers to know as much as possible about the company’s merits and demerits. It will help you discuss problems before they surface and be in a better position to negotiate.

Avoid companies hesitant to share the contact details of their clients. Genuine companies shouldn’t have any problem doing it, no matter the client feedback.

Build Impeccable Mobile Applications with Techcedence – One of the Most Trusted Mobile App Development Companies in the USA

Together, the complexities involved in mobile app development and the latter’s importance in every business make your choice of a mobile app development company crucial. Partner with Techcedence. We are a credible, experienced mobile app development company in the USA with extensive technical and customization capabilities. 

At Techcedence with our office in Coimbatore, India, we blend our techno-strategic expertise to create robust, scalable, feature-rich, and engaging mobile apps that deliver optimal results. Click to connect with us and evaluate us thoroughly on various parameters to establish our suitability in your case. We will be glad to be your mobile app development partner.

Mobile App Development

Mobile App for Business Continuity

Businesses worldwide have taken a hit due to the global pandemic. This article talks about the impact of the COVID 19 crisis on small brick and mortar retail businesses and how technology can help to combat the challenges. Small and medium retail businesses like clothing, book or department stores have run out of business and are facing an extinction-level situation. The future looks bleak for traditional offline stores as a crowded shopping experience is unlikely for some time. Post the pandemic, many shoppers will still be reluctant to visit stores to avoid the crowd.

To ensure business continuity the world has adopted mobile technology. Mobile apps have helped to keep the situation normal and have changed the routine drastically. Earlier, people visited offices to pay the electricity bill or book tickets or to buy things. During this lockdown, there is a huge spike in mobile app downloads. Statistics show that App Store and Google Play have 33 billion app downloads in Q1, 2020. Due to the pandemic, mobile app download, usage and consumer spending hit a record high in 2020. The downloads include gaming app, social media app, health and fitness app, banking app, medical, eLearning app, video conferencing app like zoom, Google meet, Microsoft Team, etc.

As the mobile app industry is thriving and consumers are spending more time on their smartphones, consider having a mobile app for your business or service. Allow your customers to order online through the app and pick up in-store. Customer preferences, shopping history gets stored on the app allowing personalized shopping experience. This blend of online and offline models will be convenient and super-fast. A mobile app will be beneficial for any business, it can be a grocery store, medical clinic, pet clinic or a fitness centre. Leverage technology to provide a personalized experience for your customers through virtual sessions, virtual tours, virtual showroom, chat sessions with experts, etc.

The pandemic has created an unprecedented impact on the global economy. Businesses should not hesitate to try new approaches, new commercial models and new technologies to engage their customers and meet the demand. This switch over to technology is a difficult situation for retailers but some of them have already started implementing and thriving back in business.

Find a mobile app development company that helps you reinforce your business with the right technologies. Techcedence has been delivering excellent mobility services for various domains. Contact us with your requirements to transform your business into the digital world.

Mobile App Development

Geolocation Apps. Why it is loved and how it works

Are you thinking of integrating Geolocation technology, in your business? Would you like to change the way your business serves for the better? Well, lots of applications are based totally on geolocation, playing a significant role in the growth of many businesses.

The skillful use of this seemingly simple ability to determine a user’s location has already redefined how one shops, travels, or meets with other people. Geolocation has become a regular part of life for millions of people and has inspired countless businesses to take their services to the next level.

Geolocation apps have a very high potential for marketing as well as for business in general giving users information at the right time and right place, improving the client experience.

  • The retailers can easily reach the customers in nearby proximity through their location-based apps by advertising their special offers and deals.
  • Location based marketing and business is also the latest and the easiest way of grabbing the attention of new prospects and converting them into your customers.
  • Location-based advertisements have been there since long, and they also have contributed to the growth of businesses tremendously over the years.

Developers can implement indoor or outdoor geolocation apps based on the described geolocation technologies for providing a better user experience.

This is why it’s essential to perform market research, to help you define which type of geolocation app you should build for your business.

But remember that you will work with such sensitive information as users’ location, personal conversations, travel details, and many more. That’s why you have to remember that ensuring data safety is one of the most critical parts of this technology. Therefore, working with a good software development firm is of top priority. So that you can make sure that your app uses multi-factor authentication, encrypts communications, uses SSL certificate, Network Security Configuration for Android and App Transport Security for iOS, and doesn’t store any unencrypted data on the user’s device.

Geolocation technology has become an integral part of almost every business today. So what are you waiting for? Take your business to the heights of success by implementing it in your business now!