Mobile App Development

The Ultimate Money Transfer App Blueprint

Significant changes in the financial services industry have taken place and an internet connection is all one needs to perform any time-consuming financial transaction via a mobile app. Today’s online money transfer apps offer customers maximum speed and convenience and give them access to whatever information they like, receive and perform basic operations.

But the challenge here is achieving the main goals of any payment system- creating a robust, efficient, and legally compliant platform that is user friendly.

But, what is the blueprint to build a secure and user-friendly money transfer app? Here we bring to you this simple guide to help you do better with your money transfer app.

1. Strategize around the business model

You need to study your target audience, find their unique needs, and determine the context in which they will use your application. This will help you to refine your selling proposition and pinpoint the right product-market match.

2. Design the App’s Architecture

Design the app’s user experience and define its architecture. Pay attention to the P2P App’S architecture and how it really works.

3. Create the App’s UX/UI

It is important to create an interactive graphical shell for your app so that everyone can see it and understand its functionality. 

4. Money Transfer Portal Development

In the process of integrating all the core features, work on the implementation of a so-called money transfer portal. 

  • Develop e-wallets to make it possible to send and receive funds through multiple channels in many countries
  • Make contactless bill payments
  • International money transfers
  • Currency exchange 

During this process, you must also implement the ability to set limits on sending / withdrawing funds, the number of transactions per day and so on so that your future customers can do everything related to controlling their funds and financial transactions.

5. User Management Modules

Your app system should have different interfaces to perform different roles for a cashier, admin or auditor along with creating balance histories and monitoring the account activities. 

Running marketing activities and setting up promo codes can be added as well as sending emails and messages to engage with the customers.

6. Ensuring Security

As with any banking app, your money transfer app requires the highest security to establish the safety of your customers. Take advantage of identity verification. It is also highly recommended to include counter-terrorism financing compliance in your application.

If you are just starting the development of your app consider compliance with basic but necessary security options, such as:

  • Data encryption
  • Backups and recovery
  • Limited access to certain parts of your system
  • Session time limits

Then what?

When creating a money transfer app, most of them don’t think about it much after releasing a product. But the development of successful products never stops. Behind the scenes, developers, testers, and designers should keep creating new versions. 

So, set your business up for online success. Our team at Techcedence is always ready to bring your best money transfer app ideas to life in no time! Reach out to us now!

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Hiring Developers for Startups: Effective Steps

Recruiting top-notch developers is crucial for the success of any startup. These talented individuals possess the technical expertise and innovation required to drive your business forward. However, with the growing demand for skilled developers, it can be a challenging task to attract and hire the best talent. To help you streamline your recruitment process, here are 10 effective steps to hire developers for startups.

1. Define Your Requirements Clearly

Before embarking on the recruitment journey, it is essential to define your requirements clearly. Determine the specific technical skills, experience level, and cultural fit that you are seeking in a developer. This clarity will enable you to craft targeted job descriptions and attract candidates who align with your startup’s vision.

2. Create an Engaging Job Description

Crafting an engaging job description is crucial to catch the attention of potential candidates. Use bold and attention-grabbing subheadings to highlight key aspects of the role and include relevant keywords that developers are likely to search for. Make sure the job description showcases the unique opportunities and challenges your startup offers, as well as the potential for growth and learning.

When writing the job description, focus on the impact that developers can make in your startup. Highlight the exciting projects they will work on and the innovative solutions they will contribute to. Emphasize the autonomy and ownership they will have, allowing them to unleash their creativity and drive meaningful results.

3. Leverage Online Platforms and Communities

Utilize online platforms and communities that cater to developers to expand your reach. Post job openings on popular job boards, professional networking sites, and developer forums. Engage with these communities by participating in discussions and showcasing your startup’s culture and values.

Additionally, consider creating a strong online presence for your startup. Maintain an active and informative website that showcases your projects, achievements, and team members. Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to ensure your website ranks well in relevant searches, increasing its visibility to potential candidates.

4. Tap into Your Network

Leverage your existing network to find suitable candidates. Reach out to colleagues, friends, and industry connections who may know talented developers looking for new opportunities. Referrals from trusted sources can often lead to finding highly qualified candidates.

Offer incentives for successful referrals, such as referral bonuses or recognition programs. This encourages your network to actively promote your job openings and refer individuals who align with your requirements and culture.

5. Host Tech Meetups and Events

Organize tech meetups and events to connect with developers in your local area. By hosting these gatherings, you can build relationships with potential candidates and establish your startup as a prominent player in the tech community. This also provides an opportunity for developers to get to know your team and company culture.

Consider inviting influential speakers or organizing panel discussions on relevant industry topics. This not only attracts developers but also positions your startup as a thought leader and an attractive place to work.

6. Showcase Your Startup’s Culture

Developers are attracted not only to the work they will be doing but also to the culture of the company they join. Highlight your startup’s unique culture, values, and perks in your recruitment efforts. Emphasize aspects such as flexible work hours, remote work options, professional development opportunities, and a collaborative work environment.

Use social media platforms to showcase your startup’s culture visually. Share photos and videos of team activities, office spaces, and team members working together. Encourage your employees to share their positive experiences and testimonials on platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, or relevant tech forums.

7. Assess Technical Skills Effectively

When evaluating candidates, it is crucial to assess their technical skills effectively. Conduct thorough technical interviews, coding assessments, and pair programming sessions to evaluate their proficiency. Additionally, consider practical assignments or projects that allow candidates to demonstrate their abilities and problem-solving skills.

Develop a structured interview process that covers both technical skills and cultural fit. Involve key team members in the evaluation process to ensure a comprehensive assessment. Provide feedback to candidates, highlighting areas of improvement and showcasing your commitment to their growth.

8. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits

To attract top talent, offer competitive compensation packages and attractive benefits. Research the market rates for developers with similar skill sets and adjust your offers accordingly. In addition to competitive salaries, consider perks such as stock options, health insurance, flexible vacation policies, and opportunities for professional growth.

Keep an eye on industry trends and adapt your compensation and benefits packages accordingly. Stay informed about emerging technologies or in-demand skills that developers may possess, and offer additional incentives for those expertise areas.

9. Streamline the Hiring Process

A lengthy and convoluted hiring process can deter talented developers from pursuing opportunities with your startup. Streamline your hiring process by setting clear timelines, providing regular updates to candidates, and avoiding unnecessary delays. Efficiently managing the recruitment process showcases your respect for candidates’ time and demonstrates your startup’s efficiency.

Leverage technology to simplify and automate certain stages of the recruitment process. Use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to manage applications, schedule interviews, and communicate with candidates seamlessly. This not only saves time but also creates a positive candidate experience.

10. Foster a Positive Candidate Experience

Creating a positive candidate experience is essential for attracting and retaining top developers. Communicate promptly and transparently with candidates throughout the recruitment journey. Provide constructive feedback to unsuccessful candidates, showing your appreciation for their time and effort.

Consider organizing post-interview feedback sessions to address any concerns or questions candidates may have. This allows you to build rapport and establish a genuine connection, even with candidates who were not ultimately selected.

In conclusion, recruiting developers for startups requires a strategic and comprehensive approach. By defining your requirements clearly and leveraging online platforms like Techcedence, you can easily connect with highly skilled developers. Creating engaging job descriptions, tapping into your network, hosting tech meetups and events, and showcasing your startup’s culture further enhance your chances of attracting the right talent. 

Additionally, assessing technical skills effectively, offering competitive compensation and benefits, streamlining the hiring process, and fostering a positive candidate experience are crucial steps in finding developers who align with your vision and can contribute to your startup’s growth. With Techcedence’s assistance, you can simplify the entire recruitment journey and discover the perfect developers for your startup’s success.


Ruby on Rails App Development Trends 2023

Ruby on Rails is becoming a more mature technology, since its initial release, having been updated with some improvements like better performance and increased scalability.

Ruby on Rails will continue to evolve and improve in 2023, with new updates and features that are being released to make web development faster and more efficient

Let’s have a look at some Ruby on Rails trends to watch out for in 2023:

1. Growth in popularity

Ruby on Rails has been a very popular web development framework for many years, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023 as well. Its simple framework is what makes developers of all skill levels love it.

2. Stability

Newer versions of Ruby on Rails work better with published gems and third party integrations, so it is less likely to break at inopportune moments. Additionally, improvements are also made to the core making the framework is more stable overall.

3. Increased performance and scalability

As web applications become more complex and handle more data, Ro is more focused on support for better performance and scalability lately.

4. Flexibility

The tech world is full of companies where Ruby on Rails shines. Ruby on Rails is flexible and can be used in developing applications for many different types of companies

5. Better speed

Ruby on Rails is now 3x faster than older versions, as well as the memory usage issues are solved. With each new version efficiencies are discovered and are created helping the framework run faster in given circumstances. Any speed increase is a benefit to the end users.

6. Security

Newer versions of Ruby on Rails have all the known security issues patched and benefit from full support for any new vulnerability discovered. Ruby on Rails supports security features to combat the increase in cyber-attacks, as the importance of secure web applications cannot be overemphasized. 

7. Integration with other technologies

Ruby on Rails is getting more integration with other technologies like cloud services, AI and blockchain, enabling developers to create more advanced and sophisticated web applications.

8. Optimized and responsive

The current Ruby on Rails versions are more performant, better optimized and responsive.

Even though Ruby on Rails isn’t a new framework, it remains popular among developers and a software organization because of its dependable and strong technology. Ruby and Rails has an exciting year ahead with these new features, improved performance and reliability. Developers can easily stay up-to-date with these trends in Ruby on Rails and if you are a business owner, Ruby on Rails is constantly evolving and improving to help your business app. If you are a startup business, then you can climb onto firm ground quickly, and since timing for startups is a key success factor, Ruby on Rails is an ideal technology. And you can look forward to taking advantage of these technology trends in the future.

Are you looking tо buіld a арр fоr уоur buѕіnеѕѕ? Techcedence’s experts are ready to help you build an app with Ruby on Rails. Get in touch with us now!


Choosing the Right Managed Cloud Services Provider: Key Factors to Consider

As businesses continue to embrace the many benefits of cloud computing, choosing the right cloud service provider has become very important. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to figure out which cloud provider is the best option. 

So, how do you know which cloud service provider is best for you? Let’s take a look at 5 key factors to consider when choosing a cloud service provider.

  1. Security and compliance
  2. Cloud service type
  3. Technical expertise
  4. Cost
  5. Specialized cloud services
  6. Support

Security and compliance

The first thing you need to check while picking your cloud service provider is their physical as well as virtual security and compliance levels..

There are a number of certifications and standards which guarantee security preparedness. Security infrastructure and procedures followed by the vendor and Policies for data back-up and disaster recovery must also be checked.

Cloud service type

There are three clouds: public, private, and hybrid. And you need to know which kind of cloud you are looking for. 

There are also three different types of cloud services, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Not every business needs all these services, and each cloud provider has their pros and cons. Once you know what type of cloud you need, you can look at various cloud service providers and go for the one that suits you the best.

Technical expertise

The cloud service provider you choose should have a full stack of technologies that support your current applications and have the capability to match your future needs. It is also important to check the future roadmap of the service provider to understand their mindset towards innovation and catching trends early.


Cost is always an important factor to consider when going for a cloud service provider as the cost may vary from cloud to cloud depending on your need for products and services. It is important to consider the cost of resources, support, as well as any additional services you may need.

Specialized cloud services

While some cloud services are very specialized and they are either unavailable on public clouds or are too costly, there are some specialized services that are much cheaper and better than popular public clouds.


How much support you can get from your vendor, access to support services, is there time guarantees for solving technical issues, does the service provider offer dedicated account management? These are all some important questions to consider before finalizing a service provider.

Deciding on a cloud services provider is a long process that demands complete analysis from your side. It is important to keep in mind that to get the best service, you need to find a vendor who connects with you.

In conclusion, by considering these top 5 criterias when selecting a cloud service provider, you can ensure that you choose a reliable cloud service provider like Techcedence that meets your specific needs as well as provides you with all the benefits of cloud computing.


Top 10 Software Development Trends for 2023

2023 is here, and new technologies are emerging. But there are many innovations yet to come. As familiar markets and technologies are likely to surprise us with new advancements, it’s very likely that we’ll see the birth of new trends as the year goes along. Let’s have a look at 10 key software development trends to watch out For in 2023. 

Trends in software development 2023

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 aims to adopt technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain and many more to enhance user experience. It is also aimed at giving more control to the users over their data usage and visibility. 

Cloud Computing

Cloud is embraced not only by startups and businesses but also by governmental organizations. It’s very much possible that by the end of 2023, there will be a significant transition of businesses and institutes to Cloud.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality has gained popularity, especially in the entertainment and gaming industries. Augmented reality can help businesses provide more detailed information on their services and products.


With companies realizing blockchain’s ability to develop secure systems, it has been trending for the past few years. There is also no centralized authority to control the data, making blockchain safe from cyber threats.


DevSecOps involves integration of security in the software development life cycle. This ensures that security is integrated at every level of the software. DevSecOps also helps identify security threats and vulnerabilities early, helping make secure, risk-free, and reliable software.


Python is ranked third after Java and C in terms of popularity and growth rate making the demand for the language increased twice. Python is also not difficult to learn, and it can be adapted to very complex projects with advanced levels of skill. 

Edge Computing

It is not the only computing innovation for the year but also Edge computing as it allows solving this problem by moving data to the edge of the local network, providing users the opportunity to use it both online and offline making it a prominent computing form. 

No-Code Development

As industries that aren’t digital by their nature such as agriculture, are undergoing rapid digital transformation. Hiring a software development team isn’t a top-priority expense, which made No-code development a web development trend. In 2023, this trend is anticipated to grow to other fields of software development as well.

Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture is accelerating with the adoption of Cloud development. It involves breaking down large and complex applications into smaller independent services, reducing the risk of dependencies.


Many organizations have adopted Kubernetes in 2022 and this number is going to increase in 2023. K8s is an open-source technology that is used to manage container technology for cloud computing. Due to the automation, Kubernetes offers the best use of the resources as well as the overall savings on ecosystem management.

Software development is the key to business growth. And with the wide range of needs and growing demands of consumers it is important to choose a highly skilled software development solutions provider who keeps up with the new technologies in software development and the trending technologies in software development 2023. We at Techcedence keep up with the latest software development trends to deliver the best in class Experience with our products and services. 


Vue vs React vs Angular: Which is the Best Choice for your Project?

If you’re planning to develop a web application, you might have heard about Vue, React, and Angular. These three are the most popular and widely used frontend frameworks among web developers. Each of these frameworks has its own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one can be a daunting task. In this blog post, we’ll compare Vue, React, and Angular to help you decide which one is the best choice for your project.


Vue.js is a lightweight and progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. It was created by Evan You in 2014 and has gained popularity because of its simplicity and ease of use. Vue.js is a reactive framework that updates the view automatically when the data changes.

One of the significant advantages of Vue.js is its small size, which makes it an excellent choice for building small to medium-sized applications. Vue.js is also easy to learn, and you can get started with it quickly, even if you’re a beginner. Vue.js has a comprehensive documentation and an active community that provides support and assistance to developers.

Another advantage of Vue.js is its flexibility. You can integrate Vue.js with other libraries and frameworks like React or Angular, which makes it an excellent choice for developing hybrid applications. Vue.js also supports server-side rendering, which improves the performance of web applications.


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Facebook in 2011 and is widely used by large companies like Netflix, Airbnb, and Instagram. React uses a virtual DOM, which improves the performance of web applications by reducing the number of DOM manipulations.

One of the significant advantages of React is its performance. React uses a virtual DOM, which makes it faster than other frameworks like Angular. React also has a large community that provides support and assistance to developers.

React is also flexible and can be used with other libraries and frameworks. You can use React with Vue.js or Angular to develop hybrid applications. React also has a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools that make it easy to develop complex web applications.


Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. It was created by Google in 2010 and is widely used by large companies like Microsoft, IBM, and PayPal. Angular is a full-featured framework that provides everything you need to develop complex web applications.

One of the significant advantages of Angular is its robustness. Angular provides a complete solution for building web applications, including data binding, forms, and routing. Angular also has a large community that provides support and assistance to developers.

Angular also has excellent performance. Angular uses a virtual DOM, which makes it faster than other frameworks like Vue.js. Angular also provides server-side rendering, which improves the performance of web applications.

Vue vs React vs Angular

Now that we’ve looked at the advantages of each framework, let’s compare them to help you decide which one is the best choice for your project.

Learning Curve

When it comes to the learning curve, Vue.js is the easiest to learn. Vue.js has a small API and is straightforward to understand, even if you’re a beginner. React and Angular, on the other hand, have a steeper learning curve. React uses JSX, which can be challenging to learn, and Angular has a lot of concepts that you need to understand before you can start developing web applications.


When it comes to performance, React and Angular are the clear winners. React uses a virtual DOM, which makes it faster than Vue.js. Angular also uses a virtual DOM and provides server-side rendering, which improves the performance of web applications.


When it comes to flexibility, Vue.js is the clear winner. Vue.js is a lightweight framework that can be easily integrated with other libraries and frameworks. React and Angular are also flexible, but they have a slightly steeper learning curve when it comes to integration with other technologies.


When it comes to robustness, Angular is the clear winner. Angular provides a complete solution for building web applications, including data binding, forms, and routing. React and Vue.js are more focused on the view layer and require additional libraries for routing and state management.

Community and Ecosystem

All three frameworks have active communities that provide support and assistance to developers. However, React has the largest ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools. Vue.js also has a vibrant ecosystem, but it is not as large as React’s. Angular also has a large ecosystem, but it is more focused on enterprise applications.

Which one is the best choice for your project?

The answer to this question depends on the specific requirements of your project. If you’re building a small to medium-sized application and want a lightweight and easy-to-learn framework, Vue.js might be the best choice. If you’re building a large application that requires excellent performance and a large ecosystem of third-party libraries, React might be the best choice. If you’re building an enterprise-level application that requires a complete solution for building web applications, including data binding, forms, and routing, Angular might be the best choice.


Vue.js, React, and Angular are all excellent frontend frameworks that have their own advantages and disadvantages. The best choice for your project depends on the specific requirements of your application. Vue.js is a lightweight and easy-to-learn framework that is an excellent choice for small to medium-sized applications. React is a popular and performant framework that has a large ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools. Angular is a robust framework that provides a complete solution for building web applications, including data binding, forms, and routing. Whatever framework you choose, make sure to take the time to learn it properly and follow best practices to ensure the success of your project. For any further information, visit – 


Why are JavaScript Frameworks Leading the Pack for Frontend Development?

Have you realized Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Google have one thing in common? And what is it? Their interactivity and engagement. These two factors have made an integral part of our digital routines. 

But did you ever wonder what makes these platforms engaging, successful, and an inseparable aspect of the web? Of course, there isn’t one but many. And one among them is that they use JavaScript! Let’s learn how JavaScript drives the success of the websites and online platforms of many such global enterprises. 

6 Reasons JavaScript Frameworks Lead the Herd

As one of the leading JavaScript frontend development companies, we consider these reasons vital in making JavaScript the top frontend development framework.

Reasons JavaScript Frameworks Lead the Herd


AJAX is Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. So, what does AJAX do? It enables interaction between a webpage and the web server in the background without a page reloading. 

For instance, let’s consider a listing of events on a particular webpage. The system sorts them according to month, the most recent, and then categorizes them by their type. 

When the developer changes the ‘ALL’ filter to the ‘General’ one, the system triggers an operation in the background. That enables the page to reload partially with the newly queried items. And, while doing so, it doesn’t flicker. Thus, you remain exactly where you are, which precisely makes up for an amazing and stable web experience.

2. Interactivity

JavaScript can perform various functions for a website. It can enable the developer to build rich UI components like pop-ups, image sliders, form validations, navigation mega menus, etc. Additionally, the framework provides extra functionality to the site, which isn’t possible with HTML or CSS alone. Furthermore, JavaScript enables webpages to respond to user activity and update themselves without a page reload.

3. Plugins

Some websites include chat support, content suggestions, banner ads, social sharing, etc. They are likely to be powered by a third-party JavaScript plugin. Generally speaking, these plugins offer various configurable options that demand an additional set-up to function appropriately. They are usually aimed at integrating with little to no modification. Developers should comprehensively understand these plugins to use them efficiently and effectively.

4. Easy Code Maintenance

JavaScript has the Model View Controller (MVC) mechanism that helps you organize your code efficiently and keep it clean. It breaks down the website into three parts – data (Model), data’s presentation to the user (View), and action taken on user interaction (Controller). The categorization helps keep the codes structured in JavaScript.

5. Classy Interfaces

This is another significant benefit. JavaScript’s various interfaces enable developers to develop elegant and gripping web pages. It allows them to integrate drag-and-drop components or sliders that provide the webpage with a rich and classy interface. As a result, users enjoy an enhanced interactive webpage experience.

6. Compatibility and Cross-Browser Support

Leading browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer have inbuilt JavaScript capabilities. Thus, as a company, you enjoy improved compatibility and seamless cross-browser support. Besides, you don’t have to download a particular plug-in or install separate software to view JavaScript, as was the case earlier.

Leverage JavaScript to deliver phenomenal web experiences with Techcedence! Our extensive experience and capabilities in JavaScript can help you build an interactive and engaging frontend that redefines user journeys. Connect with us at to learn more about the value proposition.


Off the Shelf Product Vs. Custom Application Development

Whether to go for an off-the-shelf product, which is ready-to-use (and perhaps a plug-and-play solution), or a custom application development, which will demand investment, take time to shape but tailored to your needs? 

Almost every business, especially startups and SMEs with various constraints, confronts this question at some point. So, which one is a better choice? Is there a generic answer to this question, or should business owners take a situation-based call? Let’s find out.

What is an Off-the-Shelf Product?

An off-the-shelf software application is a readymade product ready to go out of the box. It is available to everyone and includes various features, out of which some or perhaps, all will be useful for a particular business. They aren’t tailored to a particular business’s needs. Hence, they follow the one-size-fits-all approach. 

Some common examples of off-the-shelf software applications include CRM, accounting applications, email services, operating systems, etc.

What is a Custom Application?

Bespoke application is a broad area and the default norm these days. Every business is unique, and hence comes with varying needs. So, using an off-the-shelf product seldom works. Businesses use custom application development to build software solutions aligned with their workflows. The tailored software application requires partnering with a custom software application development company to develop the solution.

Pros and Cons of Off-the-Shelf Products

Let’s look at some pros and cons of off-the-shelf products.

Pros of Off-the-Shelf Products

  • Readymade
  • Much more cost-effective than bespoke software
  • Save time and effort
  • Have user communities for assistance and guidance
  • Tested and proven solutions
  • Have a name and reputation in the market
  • Comprehensive enough to meet various business needs

Cons of Off-the-Shelf Products

  • It cannot be customized, or customization could be expensive
  • Some features and functionalities may be useless for a particular business
  • Slower to adapt to the changing industry needs
  • Updates and upgrades are controlled by the application’s makers

Pros and Cons of Custom Applications

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of tailored applications

Pros of Custom Applications

  • Highly customizable
  • Ownership remains with the client company
  • Greater scalability
  • A higher degree of security
  • Upgrades, updates, and changes are quick and more straightforward
  • Integration of customized features and functionalities
  • More aligned with business needs

Cons of Custom Applications

  • A high initial investment involved
  • Risk of a misaligned final product
  • Requires time to be developed
  • Not tested for all business cases
  • Problems are discovered by the user
  • Absence of community support

Off-the-Shelf vs. Custom Application Development – What Should I Choose?

So, we now come to the main question – off-the-shelf vs. custom application development – what to choose? Honestly, we will suggest you go for a custom application. Of course, we’ve listed the pros of custom applications. Yes. It also requires time and money to develop. But business matters more than everything else! 

So, suppose you are looking for an app synchronized with your business needs and objectives and a higher return on investment. In that case, a custom application is an option to choose from. 

But wait. Don’t rush to make a decision. Custom software applications may not necessarily be the right option. Off-the-shelf products work when you are fine with standard features, the business operation associated with the application isn’t as critical or requires customized functionalities, you don’t have time or the financial muscle to invest in a customized application, or you don’t need a custom software at the moment.

Nevertheless, if you are sure about your choice and need a custom application tailored to your needs, partner with Techcedence, one of the leading custom application development companies. Our extensive portfolio comprises bespoke app development for multiple domains. We develop applications after a thorough discussion of your business needs and objectives. Our support involves everything from conceptualization to maintenance and technical support.

Thus, choose Techcedence if you are looking for higher RoI on your investments and a tailored application stitched to your needs. Email us at to learn more about our custom application development services.


Why DevSecOps is the Need of the Hour?

DevOps blurs the lines between development and operations. It blends both these aspects to help companies deliver software applications better and quicker. In 2021, over 80 percent of IT decision-makers implemented DevOps to tap a higher business value!

But like every other technology and approach, DevOps also has its story of evolution to tell. DevSecOps, the evolved form of DevOps, is precisely what we are referring to here.

Earlier, usually, development used to be almost every company’s prime focus. Security was often an afterthought. But ever-evolving and rising security concerns encouraged DevOps to evolve into DevSecOps, a much better approach to software development. Experts look at DevSecOps as the need of the hour. Let’s examine a few reasons.

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is development, security, and operations. It is an approach that introduces security earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). In addition, it broadens the collaboration between the development and operations teams to integrate security teams in the software development lifecycle. 

DevSecOps demands a change in the process, tools, and culture across the cure verticals and makes security a shared onus. Thus, every element of the SDLC plays a role in building security in the DevOps CI/CD workflow.

While this is understood and signifies the importance of DevSecOps in the current context, let’s delve into a few reasons that make DevSecOps the need of the hour.

5 Reasons DevSecOps is Crucial to Your Business

Reasons DevSecOps is Crucial to Your Business

Fundamentally, DevSecOps introduces the security aspect from the initial stages of the software development process. But in addition to it, it has various other benefits that make this approach significant. Let’s assess those facets.

1. Shortened Development Cycle

The conventional software development approach involves development, operations, and security teams working separately. Every team in the sequence has to wait for the previous team to finish its task and start its job.

Working with such an approach could delay product development and release. Besides, defects in the product take it back into the cycle, thus requiring even more time, effort, and cost to develop and release. Let alone the product’s quality that suffers!

But DevSecOps integrates all these teams that work collaboratively and simultaneously. It helps cut short the development cycle, as the product is developed, tested, and rectified at the same time. The result is a better, quicker, and more secure product.

2. Increased Proactiveness

DevSecOps refers to a proactive approach, as it has all three core teams working collaboratively and simultaneously. So, while the development team continues developing, the testing unit ensures frequent testing and detection of security vulnerabilities while the development is in progress. Rectification happens immediately after the fault is detected. Nothing is kept to deal with it at a later stage, especially security, dealing with the gaps which would later become herculean!

3. Reduced Development Cost

Imagine discovering a critical security defect (which initially went unnoticed or left unattended) after the product’s launch! Rectifying it could double the development cost, especially if it requires significant architectural changes. 

But DevSecOps takes care of all these aspects from the initial stages. While it takes an expert to integrate this approach, it is way more prudent investing in experts rather than resources you might have to employ later to cover things up. In a nutshell, DevSecOps reduces the overall development cost.

4. Increased Flexibility and Adaptivity

DevSecOps embeds security into the design and development process. Hence, while ensuring enhanced and stronger security, this fundamental approach allows for better flexibility in handling sudden changes. It is also because DevOps involves rolling out the development process in smaller chunks, to which continuous testing is integral. Thus, the team can make changes without reinventing the wheel.

5. Automation

DevSecOps can help companies automate various security protocols, thus increasing the efficiency and operational pace of the project’s security team. Thus, they can focus on more strategically and technically more complicated tasks. 

Integrate DevSecOps seamlessly with Techcedence. Our software development expertise and the ability to drive results via contemporary approaches can help you leverage the benefits of DevSecOps and develop better software products. 

Our team of consultants, developers, testers, and project specialists collaborate to comprehend your needs and use the DevSecOps approach to achieve high speed, quality, security, flexibility, and adaptability levels. Connect with us at to interact with our experts.


7 Tried, and True Methods for Reducing Software Development Costs While Maintaining Quality

Software development, especially custom software, could become an expensive affair, considering the various unique elements involved. The more specific you get in terms of resources and technologies, the higher the software development costs. 

Now you know you need a custom software solution. You cannot help that. But on the other hand, you cannot let the development cost blow out of proportion either! Besides, you have quality as an aspect to combat!

So, how do you control software development costs, especially while maintaining the desired levels of quality? Here are seven tested and proven ways.

1. Proper Planning Before Budgeting!

Do you budget a journey first and then plan it? Of course, not! You wouldn’t know what elements to involve in the budget if you do not have a plan in place. 

Software development also resembles a journey wherein you first put up a proper plan in place and then take up the budgeting aspect. The right way of doing it is to gather all the stakeholders and take valuable inputs concerning the software development plan, objectives, and the returns you expect from the venture.

You can have a software development consultant by your side, with whom you can coordinate while preparing the plan and the budget.

The consultant can help you categorize every aspect and prepare the cost estimate so that you can dedicate a particular monetary sum to each while keeping some buffer to accommodate unforeseen costs.

2. Choose the Right Development Approach

Right Development Approach

Software development has evolved significantly over the years. A crucial part of its evolution is the various development approaches. The most popular and highly cost-effective among these is the Agile methodology.

Agile is an iterative approach to software development. It enables the teams to deliver better and quicker value to their customers with fewer hassles to resolve. The approach involves creating smaller goals and delivering them instead of relying on the big launch. 

Agile development also includes continuous evaluation of plans, requirements, and results so that nothing comes in as an unpleasant surprise at the last moment. 

In other words, you exercise better control over the development part while controlling costs and maintaining quality.

3. Release an MVP

An MVP, as you may already know, is a Minimum Viability Product. It is representative of the actual product with fewer features and functionalities good enough to help you generate and receive target user feedback and response.

Building an MVP helps immensely. It helps you gather real-time user sentiment and enables you to identify areas that require changes, improvements, etc. The launch becomes much more informed with an MVP insight on hand. 

After all, you want your software to resonate with your users, who could be your employees, clients, etc. An MVP helps you save a considerable amount of costs otherwise incurred in making changes or redevelopment after the launch.

4. Choose Features Wisely

Out there, there’s so much to look at and use. Features aren’t an exception. Software development has progressed to the extent that software development companies can develop and integrate almost any feature their client wants. 

But here, what matters is what you and your users need in terms of features and functionalities. The more feature-rich your software application, the more expensive it gets. Thus, the key is to identify what you need during the initial stage. 

You might launch with a particular set of features and functionalities and then add or remove them per user needs, feedback, and evolving requirements. It will help you control costs while ensuring you deliver precisely what is required.

5. Select the Optimal Technology Stack

Optimal Technology Stack

When it comes to software development costs, technology plays a role equally decisive as features and functionalities. Thus, you should choose the right technologies with an expert and experienced software consultant by your side. 

The more popular the technology, the easier it is to find its developers and community support. But don’t let popularity alone drive your decision. Evaluate every technology to understand if it will serve your purpose or not. 

6. Include Quality Testing from the Early Stages

Every error found in the software application will cost you money. But imagine a bug is identified after the application has launched! The result is a huge amount of costs involved in resolving it. One secure approach to prevent such situations is to include quality from the early stages and keep it a part of the development process.

7. Outsource Software Development

Outsource Software Development

Outsourcing software development to a software development company benefits you in various ways. It saves efforts in building an in-house team and reduces overall project costs, as salaries, employee benefits, and infrastructural costs are the outsourcing company’s onus. But simultaneously, outsourcing allows you to broaden your talent access. You can have more experienced developers and testers onboard while restricting your role to reviewing the project progress and results. Thus, outsourcing helps ensure quality and, at the same time, cost-effectiveness.

Build cost-effective yet superior quality, scalable and robust custom software applications for your business domains with Techcedence. Our team of consultants, developers, testers, and other vital members help you make the right choices, execute your project on time, ensure product quality and help control cost across every stage.

We offer various engagement models to let you choose the best-suited from the cost, project control, and product quality perspective. Email us at to learn more about our software development capabilities.