Vue.js developer


  • Create user-facing apps using Vue.js
  • Create modular and reusable libraries and components
  • Improve your application’s performance
  • Incorporate automated testing into development and maintenance procedures
  • Stay up to date on the newest developments in the JavaScript and Vue.js worlds
  • Monitor Vue.js and any project dependencies for security upgrades and issues
  • Suggest any enhancements or changes that are required to stay up with modern security and development best practises

Requirements & Skills

  • Vue.js and object-oriented programming experience
  • Knowledge of the JavaScript programming language, including its syntax and functionalities
  • In-depth understanding of the Vue.js framework and its fundamental principles
  • Understanding of the Vue.js ecosystem
  • Working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3
  • Understanding of server-side rendering
  • The ability to build an efficient, secure, clean, and scalable JavaScript code.
  • Experience with automated JavaScript testing
  • Knowledge of contemporary development technologies such as Git
  • Excellent teamwork and communication abilities
  • Previous experience using and building RESTful APIs